facility while it was closed as part of provin- cial public health safety protocols. Part of the accumulated deficit includes salary for the YMCA manager who remained available to handle day-to-day expenses like hydro and other utilities costs that still had to be covered even while the building was closed to the public. Janitorial and other maintenance costs are also included in the salaries portion of the deficit. There were some repairs done while the building was closed. Almost all the regular programming was TIVUEPXOEVSJOHUIFQBTUZFBS XIJDINFBOU no revenue from Y membership fees. The YMCA summer camp program did operate and user fees for that helped cover some of the costs for the part-time program staff employed. The administration report noted that the $MBSFODF3PDLMBOE:.$"iJTBNVOJDJQBMMZ owned building and that if the municipality had managed the building during the pande- mic it would have had to pay for the costs PGNBJOUFOBODFBOEBTTPDJBUFETBMBSJFTu Deficit deal The report included a recommendation to QBZUIF:.$" GPSUIFSFNBJOEFS PGUIF$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEGBDJMJUZTFYQFOTFT during the pandemic. Council members debated whether or not to approve the recommendation or make a counter-proposal for part of the money now and continue talks with the YMCA about the rest of its deficit claim. Collier advised council that the YMCA regional office warned that if it does not get funding help on the deficit for its Clarence- 3PDLMBOEGBDJMJUZUIFOJUXJMMOPUIPMEBOZPG its summer day camp programs this year. Several councilors expressed reluctance to approve the deficit aid recommendation without knowing whether or not le conseil TDPMBJSFEFEJTUSJDUDBUIPMJRVFEFM&TUPOUB - SJFO $4%$&0 JTBMTPHPJOHUPTIBSFUIFDPTU PGUIFEFàDJU5IF$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE:.$" XBTCVJMUBTBOBEEJUJPOUP-&TDBMFUISPVHI BQBSUOFSTIJQBHSFFNFOUCFUXFFOUIFDJUZ UIF/$3:BOEUIF$4%$&0 $PMMJFSUPMEDPVODJMUIBUUIF$4%$&0IBT agreed to pay some of the deficit cost but has not yet approved its proposed contri- bution and will not vote on the matter until MBUFSJOUIFNPOUI5IF$4%$&0EPFTOPU want the amount made public yet until its own trustees have approved the funds. Council members agreed to go in-camera then so that Collier could tell them how much
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Clarence-Rockland will pay the YMCA more than $300,000 to cover its main- tenance and other expenses accumu- lated during the past months while the recreation facility was closed because of the pandemic. The debt resulted during the time when the operation and management agreement between the YMCA and the city nad expired. Chief Administrator Helen Collier told council during its June 21 session that city adminis- tration and YMCA officials have been meeting and talking to try and work out the details for a new interim management agreement for the facility to maintain operations until the pandemic is over. i8FSFQFSDFOUPG UIFXBZ UIFSF u TIFTBJE SFHBSEJOHIPXTPPO UIF JOUFSJN agreement will be ready for council to review and approve. Meanwhile council members spent appro- ved by a 5-3 registered vote on an adminis- tration recommendation for dealing with a SFRVFTU GSPN UIF:.$"T/BUJPOBM$BQJUBM SFHJPOPGàDF /$3: GPSIFMQXJUIBEFàDJU in the cost of operations for the Clarence- 3PDLMBOE:.$"EVSJOHUIFQBOEFNJD5IF $MBSFODF3PDLMBOE:.$"XBTDMPTFEUPUIF public as part of the provincial public health emergency order but the agency continued to maintain the facility in anticipation of reopening in the future. In a recent letter to the city the YMCA clai- NFENPSFUIBO JONBJOUFOBODF and repair costs so far during the pandemic BOEUIBUJUSFDFJWFEBCPVU JOSFJN - bursement funds so far from the city. The YMCA claims the city still owes the YMCA NPSF UIBO JO SFJNCVSTFNFOU GVOETGPSUIFàTDBMZFBSVOEFS the terms of the operation management agreement. Deficit details $PVODJMNFNCFSTEJTDVTTFEUIF:.$"T financial aid request when it first came up for review during their May 17 committee of the whole session. They agreed to set the matter aside and have administration get more information on the matter from the :.$"TNBJOPGàDF An email exchange and a June 14 tele- conference between city administration and YMCA officials provided more details on the FYQFOTFTJODVSSFEGPSUIF$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE
Le YMCA de Clarence-Rockland reste fermé dans le cadre des protocoles de sécurité de santé publique du gouvernement provincial pendant la pandémie. Entre-temps, le conseil municipal a accepté une recommandation visant à aider le YMCA à couvrir un déficit de plus de 300 000 $ en frais d’exploitation et d’entretien pendant la fermeture de l’établissement local. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
cost of maintaining and operating the local YMCA during the pandemic. The money XJMMDPNFPVUPGUIFDJUZTUBYTUBCJMJ[BUJPO SFTFSWF8IFOUIF$4%$&0QBZTUIFDJUZJUT TIBSFPGUIFEFàDJU UIBUNPOFZXJMMUIFOHP back into the reserve. Meanwhile city administration will conti- nue talks with the YMCA on a new interim operation and management agreement for UIF $MBSFODF3PDLMBOE GBDJMJUZ XIJMF UIF pandemic continues until it is allowed to reopen to the public.
UIF$4%$&0JTXJMMJOHUPDPOUSJCVUFUPXBSET the YMCA deficit. After about a half hour of in-camera discussion council members reopened the public part of their meeting GPSB SFHJTUFSFEWPUFPOBENJOJTUSBUJPOT recommendation for dealing with the YMCA deficit issue. Council voted 5-3 to accept the recom- NFOEBUJPO$PVODJMMPST%JBOF$IPJOJÍSF %PO #PVDIBSE BOE.BSJP;BOUIWPUFEBHBJOTUJU 5IF$JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEXJMMQBZUIF /3$:.$" UPXBSET UIFEFàDJU
Damien Maze, les Rats d’Swompe, Martine Parisien, Max Richard, Gabrielle Goulet, Marie-Clo, 50 Proof, Andrew Charlebois, Brian St-Pierre, JB Danceworkz, Louis Racine, Lawrence Larouche and Cynthia Martin from MAJINX, Martine Lafontaine and Noah Rivard, Natacha Jackson, Simon Cameron,Tara Shannon
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