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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 BIA TREEPLANTING The Hawkesbury Business Improvement Association (BIA) plans to invest $1000 for replacement of some of the orna- mental shade trees along Main Street, between the Race Street and Atlantic Street intersections. The BIA made the proposal in a letter to Hawkesbury town council. The town would look after plan- ting the replacement trees and the BIA would provide expense money through its 2021 budget. – Gregg Chamberlain LIBRARY BOOK SALE The Champlain Public Library will be holding a book sale, September 19, in front of the library on Main Street in Vankleek Hill and also at the Vankleek Hill Farmers Market. Books in both English and French for all ages, along with magazines, DVDs, and audio books will be available. Proceeds go towards purchase of new children’s books, large- print books, and e-books for the library’s collection. FUNDING AID REQUEST The South Nation Conservation Agency will apply for $1.5 million from the Canada Infrastructure Fund’s COVID-19 assistance program to help with proposals for improvements to local nature parks and trails, foot bridges, and other features. Improvement designs will include measures to support social distancing of individuals or groups using these facilities. – Gregg Chamberlain


The Ontario government has now de- cided to apply its new attendance limits for private parties to all of the province. The provincial government set new lower limits September 18 on the number of people who can attend private parties or organized public events as part of an effort to curb the recent rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. Those limits were just for the Ottawa, Toronto, and Peel health regions, which have seen serious increases in their case numbers, but as of the September 19 weekend the limits will apply to all of Ontario. “I support the province’s decision to lower the limits on social gatherings,” stated Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, chief medical officer for UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 i5IF number of COVID-19 cases across our area, and the province, has been rising steadily over the past few weeks, and it’s mostly due to a minority of people breaking the QBOEFNJDQSPUFDUJPO  SVMFTEVSJOHQSJWBUF social gatherings.” The new limits for private parties or other types of social events are now 10 for indoor events and 25 for outdoor events. Organizers of events cannot try to combine indoor and outdoor gatherings at the same location for an increased limit. These lower limits apply just to unmo- nitored private parties and public events like barbecues or wedding receptions held in homes or backyards, and public events

It began first with the Ottawa, Toronto, and Peel regions but now the provincial government is extending its new size-limit restrictions for private parties for all of Ontario. The new limits on the number of people allowed at private parties aim at curbing the current increase in numbers for COVID-19 cases across the province. —stock photo

held at parks and other recreational sites. Organizers of these private events who fail to make sure people attending follow the public help rules against COVID-19 may face fines, if convicted, starting at $10,000. The new size limits do not apply to gatherings held in locations where there are staff to monitor participants and make

sure they obey the rules for masks, social distancing, and public hygiene. That includes locations like bars, restaurants, theatres, banquet halls and convention centres, gyms, churches, synagogues, and temples, and recreational sports and performing arts events. The original limits of 50 indoors and 100 outdoors apply to these venues.

La réouverture sécuritaire des écoles nous tient tous à cœur.

C’est pourquoi, avec la collaboration de responsables de la santé, de conseils scolaires et d’éducateurs, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a élaboré un plan exhaustif qui permettra de veiller à la sécurité des élèves et du personnel.

• Des mesures visant le respect de la distance physique seront appliquées : séparation des pupitres, affiches, indications au sol et couloirs à sens unique. • Le port du masque sera obligatoire pour le personnel et les élèves de la 4 e à la 12 e année. • L’hygiène des mains sera renforcée grâce à la désinfection et au lavage des mains. • Il y aura plus de personnel infirmier dans les écoles. • Les mesures visant le nettoyage des écoles seront améliorées.

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario.

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario. Visitez

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