Blooms & Bites Recipe Book

Falafel Wrap


Cook Falafel according to package. Heat pita bread in oven until warm and pliable. Spread a layer of hummus evenly across the center of the pita bread. Place the cooked falafel pieces on top of the hummus, arranging them in a single layer down the center of the pita bread. Add sliced pickles on top of the falafel, followed by a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley. Drizzle tahini sauce all over the top. Top the falafel, pickles, parsley, and tahini with a handful of fresh salads such as lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and peppers. Carefully fold the sides of the pita bread over the filling, then roll it up tightly. Slice the falafel wrap in half diagonally, and serve immediately. DIRECTIONS

Item 80235* - Falafel pieces Item 80237 - Hummus Item 24663 - Pickles, sliced Item 31219 - Fresh parsley, chopped

Item 71052 - Tahini sauce Item 31550 - Salad greens Item 80579 - Pita Bread


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