Hiring Checklist:
Know the award/agreement An employee’s minimum terms and conditions of employment will come from their award or agreement if one applies. Most employees will be entitled to things like annual leave, sick leave and parental leave. They will also be entitled to the allowances and penalty rates set out in their award or agreement. If you need help finding out which award or agreement applies contact THA for assistance or visit www.fairwork.gov.au/awards Decide on the person’s employment status To work out the right pay and conditions you’ll need to know whether an employee is full-time, part-time or casual. For help figuring out what employment status suits the position contact THA and or go to our website that also links to www. fairwork.gov.au/employment
Pay the right rates There are different minimum rates of pay for different positions. For assistance establishing the minimum rate of pay for your employee visit our website and or visit www.fairwork.gov.au/pay.
Agree to hours and rostering Under most awards you’ll need to agree with your employees on their hours of work and rostering in advance templates will assist members to do this and are available on our website and or www.fairwork.gov.au/templates
Get the paperwork ready You should provide new employees with paperwork including the Fair Work Information Statement and a Tax File Declaration Form. You may also: • get the person’s superannuation and bank account details • offer the person a letter of engagement. THA can provide templates that can assist and available on our website and or visit www.fairwork.gov.au/templates Conduct an induction Running an induction for a new employee will help them to settle in quickly to the job and learn about the workplace. It’s important that new employees are aware of your expectations, like wearing a uniform or dress codes. A thorough induction assists in providing the company expectations and outline applicable workplace policies and procedures that you have. It will also allow new employees to ask questions. Pay slips and record-keeping obligations You need to keep written time and wages records for your employees for seven years. You also have to give all of your employees a pay slip within one day of paying their wages’ can provide templates that can assist and available by accessing our website and or the link to www.fairwork.gov.au/recordkeeping Further Assistance For assistance regarding recruiting new or replacement employees, as well as recruiting the right people, feel free to contact Merv Saltmarsh- Employment Relations & Business Improvement Manager who has had significant experience with recruitment on a national and international basis.
October 2018 www.tha.asn.au
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