SAP S/4HANA Cloud Transformation Value Stories

AGG Power Industrial Manufacturing | China SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, SAP Customer Experience solutions, SAP BTP and SAP Preferred Success

Why SAP?

• SAP’s deep industry solution expertise and vast implementation partnership network around the globe • Industry best practices supported by SAP S/4HANA® Cloud and SAP® Customer Experience solutions • SAP Preferred Success services, helping maximize the value of cloud solutions from SAP • Continuous innovation and business ecosystem expansion enabled by flexible and innovative SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) • Acloudear, offering a wealth of experience in implementing cloud solutions from SAP

Simplifying and integrating operations in a global enterprise comprising seven subsidiaries

50% Increase in sales management efficiency 10% Reduction in time to market for few products

98% Customer Satisfaction

With its advanced engineering technology, power supply equipment manufacturer and solution provider AGG Power Technology (Fuzhou) Co. Ltd. (AGG) is contributing to the continuous improvement of global power supplies. With operations spanning fivecontinents and disparate information systems across multiple sites, AGG found it challenging to gain insights on its global operations and implement new solutions in the global market. To address this, the company wanted to revitalize its ERP infrastructure and introduce a uniform digital platform. This would significantly boost the company’s capacity to operate efficiently, innovate, and compete in the dynamic global marketplace.

20% Increase in service revenue from new business models


• Lack of visibility of business processes, 360˚ view of customers • Lack of collaboration & capability to scale

“ Thanks to SAP Preferred Success, we had a professional team to safeguard our transformation and digitalization journey based on SAP S/4HANA Cloud .”


• Reduced Time To Market • Increased revenue growth • Improved employee productivity and customer experience/ satisfaction • Optimized operations, inventory and supply chain management • Improved finance operations

IT Manager, AGG Power Technology (Fuzhou) Co. Ltd -Li Zhengliang

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