CPTE_Hip Knee and Leg Pain

Caring for athlet

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing knee pain. KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 5 times. Stretches Tight Muscles Hipandknee injuriesarecommon in theathleticworldandCPTEhas treated it’s share of athletic injuries. Whether it’s a high school female basketball player or a 45 year old club hockey player, CPTE’s athletic trainers and PTs understand the unique characteristics of growth and development, as well as male versus female athletes. Our goal is to determine the cause and depth of the injury and to get them back on their feet and playing again quickly. CPTE’s certified athletic trainers cover all sports at three area high schools, as well as local, state, and regional tournaments. In addition, CPTE covers a number of area triathlons, bike events, and road races. Our goal is to offer our expertise to coaches, athletes, and parents. We provide injury care and sports conditioning clinics to coaches, athletes, and parents in area recreational leagues (youth and adult). If we can reduce the risk of injury through sports conditioning or help an athletes return to play quickly and physically prepared then we know we have done our job.

While legpain isnoticeablebyaslewofsymptoms,severalstickout.Aching or stiffness around the hip, groin, back or thigh may be a sign of deeper problems.Adecreased rangeofmotioncanalsobesymptomaticofbigger issues which may later result in hip, knee or leg pain. Sometimes, inactivitycancontribute to immobility—and later,pain. Ifyou’re limping, lurchingorareexperiencingbadbalance,contactaphysician.While some hip, knee and leg pains go away, those lasting longer than several months may be hinting at a deeper issue. How Physical Therapy Can Help In many cases, physical therapy can help patients increase leg mobility. In doing so, they can stretch, flex and strengthen themuscles responsible for support. If a joint appears deformed, or if sudden swelling occurs, contact a physician immediately. Agoodphysical therapyprogramcanassistwithpost-operation treatment, too. Ifyou’veundergonetreatmentforosteoporosis,dislocationorafracture, your therapist can help you reclaim full mobility—and a healthy lifestyle. From start to finish, we’re dedicated to your ongoing wellness. On every level, physical therapy serves to enhance the patient’s quality of life. We’re here tohelp,andwehaveyearsofexperiencebackingevery therapyoption. Contact us today, and tell us about your symptoms. Sources: https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/hip-pain/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050684 https://www.everydayhealth.com/hip-pain/hip-pain-and-your-body.aspx https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/knees-and-hips-a-troubleshooting-guide-to-knee-and- hip-pain WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS?


Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


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