Spotlight_Vol 23_Issue_3

Spotlight on Business: What is the biggest lesson you have learned along the way in your professional journey? LOVIET: Be yourself. Trust yourself because a lot of times people can make you question who you are or supposed to be in this industry but get to know yourself as best as you can and that’ll help you make the best choices and the best music. I think your real fans will resonate with that the most. It always surprises me when I release something that maybe I felt was the most self-serving but that resonates the stron - gest with fans in the end. Spotlight on Business: Was there ever a moment you contemplated throwing in the tow - el? If so, what made you want to keep moving forward? LOVIET: I think it’s probably healthy and natural to have those feelings when you love something so much or it takes so much work but all that actually matters is what you do. I’ve definitely had my ups and downs, but I just keep moving forward, there isn’t really another option for me, this is what I’m gonna do. It’s what I’ve always done. I had a big moment last year with this when I was writing for my record ‘The Nighttime Is All In the Timing’. I was here in Toronto all winter by myself. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had let everyone down. I had so many different voices around me all my life, especially when I was starting out, and I think I stopped listening to my own for a bit. “I’ve definitely had my ups and downs, but I just keep moving forward, there isn’t really another option for me, this is what I’m gonna do. It’s what I’ve always done.”

I had to come to a place where I had kind of accepted what it would be like to give up or if everything, I had worked so hard for dis - appeared tomorrow, what I’d do with that. The answer was that I wouldn’t actually do anything differently and I would still wake up the next day and do this. So sometimes I think it’s healthy to kind of let go and give yourself the release of the pressure. Free up that space and you’ll end up making something really special from it if it’s truly a part of you. Spotlight on Business: What advice do you have for young females or any young artist for that matter when it comes to get - ting into the entertainment industry? LOVIET: I started recording when I was young and had my first couple of studio ex - periences when I was like 14 or 15. One of the reasons I went to school for recording was because I was so disappointed during my early experiences and I wanted to be able to protect my own music and know how to communicate in a studio setting. Looking back, I think it’s been an important life lesson for me to know how to commu - nicate whatever it is I’m trying to say, es - pecially from creative standpoints and with many people in and out of the process.

“Stay true to yourself as a person and as an artist, and despite it being a tough business, feelings are signals and they tell you what you need to know. It’s okay to be sensitive about your work.”

Photo Credit - Steph Montani

Photo Credit - Vic Smick





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