Spotlight_Vol 23_Issue_3

Along with remembering customer’s names, the staff at The Waffle Bus Stop Inc also keep a very detailed record of customer favourites. Some of the favourites include holiday waffle stuffing. They put waffles inside a turkey and made stuffing from that. The B.E.A.S.T which is an acronym for bacon, egg, aioli, spinach, to - mato, and the Ranch Hand which consists of chicken, bacon and ranch waffle sandwiches are both best sell - ers. They have also had peanuts skewered shrimp sa - tay with pulled steak on a waffle named Surf and Turf. And of course, the Elvis Presley which was a customer creation. It is peanut butter, fried banana, and bacon on a waffle. The creativity is never ending at The Waf - fle Bus Stop. Broussard and Calestagne encourage customers to share their creative waffle ideas with the staff. “Once you take the preconceived notion of what waffles are known to be, there’s very little you can’t do with it” Calestagne proclaimed. Since the products are made from scratch right in their kitchen, they have the ability to experiment with new ingredient combinations. With lots to look forward to in the upcoming future, Broussard and Calestagne started by updating their

food truck. “It’s a little bit different than our old food truck, it’s more of a food trailer that looks like a bus.” said Broussard. It will head over to the Antigonish Farmer’s Market as per usual on Saturdays, and it has many trips already planned for the summertime.But in addition to the food truck, Broussard and Calestagne have big plans for the business. They are hoping to host a couple of events during the summertime in con - junction with the food truck. They are also working to - wards expanding the product sales into grocery stores as well. “We sell our bulk waffles in our shops right now. So, people can come in, buy half a dozen or a dozen waffles, take them home and pop them in the toaster” Broussard said. “We’re working on getting our waffles into retail.” Be sure to stop by The Waffle Bus Stop Inc. in Antigo - nish, New Glasgow, or anywhere the food truck stops to try their delicious and unique waffle creations. In the meantime, check out their social media platforms and follow along with their journey. With big plans for the future, there’s countless opportunities ahead of this en - trepreneurial pair.

“Once you take the preconceived notion of what waffles are known to be, there’s very little you can’t do with it”

“We take orders by name so we can start to know our customer’s names when they walk in”





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