By Rev. Samuel Garvin, D. D. A sermon delivered in Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, Sept. 19, 1915 (Text—Rev. 1:8,11,17)
I* Jesus Is the Alpha and Omega of Revelation. W e read that God walked in the wind o f the day among the shadows o f Eden. It was then He gave to the fearful and sin- conscious pair the promise never lost to sight: “The Seed o f woman shall bruise the serpent’s head,” and we are irreverent when we do not capitalize the word seed, for is He not called elsewhere the “ Seed o f David” ? After the night o f the deluge the rain bow o f hope spanned the dark clouds of sin and retribution and never faded from the world. Its wandering light led human ity tp find the treasure in the fountain opened in the house o f David for'a ll sin and uncleanness. By the altar around which circled the life o f Israel thousands o f beasts and birds were slain. Their blood flowed a crimson stream for the healing o f Israel. These . Were not complete in themselves. They looked forward to another altar on (:he heights o f Golgotha and another Lamb o f God without blemish slain for the redemption o f a world.
HE beloved disciple was receiving the final revelation from God which was to close God’s written message to mankind. The repetition of
this significant statement, “ I am the Alpha and the Omega,” is not without its weight o f meaning. It is a truth of tremendous import laid with overwhelming emphasis Upon the church to which John was writing. The Alpha and Omega are, as we well know, the beginning and the end o f the Greek alphabet, the current language o f the people to whom, and the civilization in the mids,t o f which, the Apostle was writing. The meaning was clear. I remember, when a boy, in Pennsylvania, a similar expres sion with a like meaning. When a matter was fully summed up and an argument completed it was often said: “ Now that :s the A and Z o f it;” meaning, o f course, that was-the conclusion o f the matter, the whole circle o f the truth. This is to tell us, then, that Jesus is the beginning and the end o f revelation, and all that lies between: He is the center, the circumference o f the Christian faith and doctrine. It is all summed up in Him.
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