Supporting Your Curriculum - 2023/24 SI offer.

MARCH 14TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

Investigating European and non-European countries. The session will consider what a good place study might look like and how as teachers, we provide opportunities for pupils to view different perspectives, make comparisons and challenge stereotypes and bias around place. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/4W72F4ZB

JUNE 20TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE

Weather and climate . ‘What is the difference between weather and climate?’ and ‘Why is the climate changing?’ are key questions in today’s world and will be explored through the final session of the year. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/2P8NA63U

Religious Education

FEBRUARY 22ND 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/FY9TPZSU OCTOBER 12TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE Dharmic religions: Hinduism, Sikhism & Buddhism. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/YCKC98AR


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