Marketing Compliance Guidelines

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

General Guidelines

B Submit for approval ALL printed and digital material that includes the Ethos name, logo, and is intended to generate interest in Ethos and our products and services, including but not limited to printed material, websites, social media content, radio scripts, and TV advertising, direct mail, signs, and sales presentations-

B Materials must be approved before use. Approved material is good for one year. After that, resubmit for subsequent approval-

B First reference to Ethos should include our full legal or d/b/a name. Afterwards, “Ethos” is okay to use-

B Reference the appropriate insurance carrier for Ethos products. Do not refer to Ethos as an insurance company; Ethos is an agency and third-party administrator-


B Use the form number and all disclosure language provided by Legal & Compliance. Do not edit, alter, or amend-

B Statistics must be accurate & current - no older than 2-years old, and always reference the source. Stats from government sources may be used without permission. Stats from private organizations require permission to use-

B Be clear the intent is to sell insurance-

B All statements should be truthful and not misleading by fact or by implication. Content of the material should be accurate, complete, and clear to avoid deception.

B Do not use the words “affordable”, “low cost” or “inexpensive” unless the fact can be substantiated. Do not use “free,” “no cost,” “without cost,” “no additional cost,” “at no extra cost,” or similar words unless true- B Do not use the Ethos or carrier logo or any other graphics we have developed (including graphics on our website) without prior approval. Do not alter or amend our logos in any way, including color, size, shape, or content-


B Once approved, do not alter or amend approved material-

B Do not infer a connection between Ethos or any carrier and its products or services to any agency of a municipal, state, or the federal government.

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

Product Guidelines

* If rates are included, specify plan, gender, smoker or nonsmoker, etc

* Products should be identified as “insurance policy” and type of insurance offered, such as “individual term life”

* If material references premium, disclose that they are subject to change and specify any policy fees, if applicable


* Graded or modified benefits must display any limitations

* Disclose all limitations and exclusions, including suicide

* Specify the illness, condition, care or confinement necessary to trigger any accelerated benefits, if applicable. And the effect of the accelerated benefits on the death benefit.

* Do not use words such as: all, full, complete, comprehensive, unlimited, or phrases such as: “the policy will replace your income” or “will help fill the gaps of your present insurance” or any words or phrases that exaggerate the benefit provided

* Do not highlight rider benefits with greater prominence than the primary policy benefits

* Do not include policy fees within a rate table. List separately

* Do not share commission rates

* Do not refer to life insurance as: an investment, savings, or retirement plan

* Do not make unfair or inaccurate, or incomplete comparisons of policies, benefits, or rates of other insurers


* Do not disparage or falsely or unfairly describe other insurers, agents, policies, services, or marketing methods * Do not offer any gift, monetary or nonmonetary, (value of $25 or more) for a proposed insured as an incentive to complete an enrollment form or application or within a specified period of time * Do not state or imply that a policy is an introductory, initial, or special offer or that applicants will receive substantial advantages not available at a later date, unless that fact is true.

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

External Agent Guidelines

) Identify the person or entity that created the website; including the name of the contracted agent, business address, phone number and states where licensed or contracted with Ethos and/or the carrier ) Include disclaimer that a contracted agent is an independent producer and not an employee of Ethos or the carrier


) Provide links to the Ethos website for company and product information

) Complete all changes related to products, underwriting, requirements, etc. within 10 working days of being notified by Ethos or the carrier, unless vtnotified otherwise.

) Do not mimic the look of the Ethos website or any competitor. Appearance should be distinguishable

) Website address may not include the name Ethos or any carrier


) Do not use the Ethos logo or represent yourself as Ethos outside what is approved and provided by Ethos for external use.

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

The following items should be answered either “YES” or “N/A” before submitting to Compliance for review.

General Requirements




1. Does the overall impression of the piece seem appropriate when considering font size, prominence of type, arrangement of text and captions?

2. Is a Life Insurance Company cor Ethos identified in the piece?

3. Is the type of insurance clearly identified?

4. Are disclosures, limitations, and/or exclusions appropriate for the products and benefits described and placed in close proximity to the related content?

5. Is the overall content appropriate for the audience?

The following items should be answered either “NO” or “N/A” before submitting to Compliance for review.

General Requirements




1. Does the piece contain information that is inaccurate or misleading?

2. Does the piece compare DTC product costs to the costs of those sold by a commissioned agent?

3. Does the piece include prohibited language?

4. Does the piece market statutory benefits or provisions?

5. Does the piece use words or symbols that resemble currency or a government agency?

6. Does the piece imply that the benefits will supplement any other insurance policy or plan if that is not that the fact?

7. Does the piece refer to introductory, initial, or special offers, or similar terms?

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

The following items answered with “YES” should be referred to Compliance for further review.

General Requirements



1. Does the piece include a testimonial or endorsement? (include supporting documentation with submission)

2. Does the piece include statistics or citations? (include supporting documentation with submission)

3. Is the piece intended for marketing to a group (not individual)?

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