Marketing Compliance Guidelines

2024 Ethos Marketing Compliance Guidelines

Product Guidelines

* If rates are included, specify plan, gender, smoker or nonsmoker, etc

* Products should be identified as “insurance policy” and type of insurance offered, such as “individual term life”

* If material references premium, disclose that they are subject to change and specify any policy fees, if applicable


* Graded or modified benefits must display any limitations

* Disclose all limitations and exclusions, including suicide

* Specify the illness, condition, care or confinement necessary to trigger any accelerated benefits, if applicable. And the effect of the accelerated benefits on the death benefit.

* Do not use words such as: all, full, complete, comprehensive, unlimited, or phrases such as: “the policy will replace your income” or “will help fill the gaps of your present insurance” or any words or phrases that exaggerate the benefit provided

* Do not highlight rider benefits with greater prominence than the primary policy benefits

* Do not include policy fees within a rate table. List separately

* Do not share commission rates

* Do not refer to life insurance as: an investment, savings, or retirement plan

* Do not make unfair or inaccurate, or incomplete comparisons of policies, benefits, or rates of other insurers


* Do not disparage or falsely or unfairly describe other insurers, agents, policies, services, or marketing methods * Do not offer any gift, monetary or nonmonetary, (value of $25 or more) for a proposed insured as an incentive to complete an enrollment form or application or within a specified period of time * Do not state or imply that a policy is an introductory, initial, or special offer or that applicants will receive substantial advantages not available at a later date, unless that fact is true.

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