12B — October 24 - November 13, 2014 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
Jonathan Spergel new managing partner Gullace & Ball of MGKF to present at enviro. conference
P h i l a d e l ph i a , PA — Manko, Gold, K a t c h e r & F o x (MGKF) partners John Gullace and Christopher Ball will be presenters at the 2014 Railroad Environmental Conference to be held October 28-29 on the campus of the University of Illinois at Ur- bana Champaign in Urbana, Il. Gullace will be presenting, “Managing Environmental Risks When Third-Parties Seek Access to Your Site.” Ball will present, “Maintaining the Confidentiality of Informa- tion During an Emergency
Response: Your Counsel May Be Your Best Friend.” Gullace represents a broad array of clients, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to smaller closely held business- es, facing diverse environmen- tal issues. John is a partner in the firm’s environmental litigation group, but he is also regularly called upon by clients to handle site reme- diation matters and complex negotiations with government entities and private parties, such as arise in the infrastruc- ture projects in which he has been involved in recent years.
In other news, On October 6, 2014, Jonathan Spergel will take over as managing partner
of the envi- r o nme n t a l and energy land use law and l i t iga- tion firm of MG K F i n Ba l a Cyn - wyd . Rob- e r t F o x , who served as the firm’s m a n a g - ing partner for the past eight years, is confident that Sper - gel is ready t o make a s e a m l e s s t rans i t i on . “ We h a v e always culti- vated conti- nuity and a smooth suc- cession plan. Joe Manko and I me t
John Gullace
Christopher Ball
Jonathan Spergel
Jonathan when he was our law student at Penn. We have seen his continual growth over the years as he has developed into a highly respected attorney and community leader,”said Fox. Spergel, a graduate of Stan- ford University and the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Law School, was also once a sum- mer associate of the firm. He has been coached and mentored from his early days in law school and now embod- ies the core principles of the firm. He strives to provide high quality legal services to his clients, is committed to education and the commu- nity as an adjunct professor at Villanova University School of Law, chair of the board of the Montgomery County Redevelopment Authority, and an active board member of City Avenue Special Ser- vices District, Legacy Youth Tennis and Education, and more recently the Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation. Despite a busy schedule, work-life balance is important not only at the firm but for his family, including his wife Kathy and their two children, Chloe (14) and Noah (12). MGKF concentrates its practice in environmental, energy, and land use law and litigation. n
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