AICC Foundation (Cont’d from Page 9)
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tainable source of funding.” D’Angelo emphasized that workforce development is critical to the success of the industry and cited Dick Troll, AICC’s first Executive Director, who once famously remarked, “You have people running a mil- lion-dollar flexo who you wouldn’t let drive your car!” Education and training were Troll’s passion and he al- ways said that every worker deserves a chance to bet- ter themselves, and not just for their job performance. Their dignity and self-respect mattered more. Dick’s passion ledAICC into the forefront of industry training and education for all levels of employees.The FPE will ensure that Troll’s passion and wishes are maintained well into the future. Joseph M. Palmeri, President, Corrugated Packaging,- Jamestown Container Companies, and Vice-Chair of The Foundation for Packaging Education, said, “The Foundation for Packaging Education fills the funding void regarding the ongoing training and education for employees already in the industry.As a founding mem- ber of AICC,Jamestown Container has always support- ed and will continue to support the work AICC does for independents in the corrugated, folding carton, and rigid box industries. What better way to do it than by investing in the ed- ucation and training of our employees. It’s a win/win for everyone.” The Foundation will begin fundraising with a mil- lion-dollar match offered by AICC, approved by its Board at its Fall Meeting.All donations and pledges re- ceived in the first year, up to one million dollars, will be matched by AICC, allowing donors to have double the impact with their contribution. Eleven companies already have collectively pledged more than $500,000 to the new Foundation for Pack- aging Education. These pledges, along with all new ones that get the Foundation to the $1 million dollar mark, will be considered “Inaugural Donors” because they accomplished the goal of AICC’s Million Dollar Match Program. The eleven pledges have been made by Bay-Cities, Deline Box & Display, Harris Packaging, Jamestown Container, Michigan City Paper Box, Oklahoma Inter- pak, Package Crafters, Packaging Express, Stand-Fast Group, SUNAutomation andWasatch Container. To make your tax-deductible contribution, visit Those interested in learning more or becoming a donor can contact AICC Director of Education & Training Taryn Pyle at (703) 535-1391 or, or AICC President Mike D’Ange- lo at (703) 535-1386 or
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