AICC Foundation (Cont’d from Page 5)

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the rest of the board being comprised of AICC’s Exec- utive Committee: Jay Carman, Chairman; Gene Marino, Vice Chairman; Jana Harris, First Vice Chair;Matt Davis, Second Vice Chair; Gary Brewer,Third Vice Chair; and Joe Palmeri, Immediate Past Chair of AICC Advisors. “We wanted to ensure the needs of the foundation were very well aligned with the needs of the associ- ation and having the executive committee being the board of the new foundation would help guarantee that it would occur,”said Hoodwin. “The Packaging School online is our most utilized ed- ucational tool and since it became included with the cost of AICC membership in April 2017, the annual uti- lization numbers have been growing.And as they have been growing, obviously, the pressure to produce more courses has risen,” said D’Angelo, who provided data to support the claim: since April 2017,AICC individual members have completed 5,685 courses via The Pack- aging School,with an average of 865 log-ins per month. “Whenever we survey our members, the two top benefits we hear are number one, networking, and number two, education, said Hoodwin.“We now have over 100 online courses, 20 of which have been trans- lated into Spanish, and with more courses going online this year, the board wanted to ensure on a year-to-year basis that we would always have the funds needed to keep this benefit going and growing.” Ongoing Challenges D’Angelo said that AICC has more than 50 webinars planned through September of 2021 and that the large number is partially due to the pandemic and the ongoing challenges of in-person learning, but there is still a cost to providing the educational programming. “It wasn’t entirely because of the pandemic, but it was during the pandemic that the utilization of the Packaging School exploded,”he said.“And it could be considered the final impetus for the board to vote the way they did to move forward and to incorporate the foundation.” Translating packaging courses into Spanish so they are accessible to native speakers is another goal that can be achieved with the financial support of The Packaging Foundation. “In addition to AICC members in the United States, our partners in Mexico and Latin America are clamoring for this type of education,” said Hoodwin.“We would hope over time that we will be able to bring even more courses,more translations and new programs that our members desire and that we have the best educated workforce for tomorrow.This demonstrates AICC’s commitment to education and it will be possible as a result of us having the FPE as sus-

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(Cont’d on Page 11)

Flexo Market News November 23, 2020 9

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