Technical training
Blade Repair Standard / V4 2023-05-02
h. adjust the temperature of the heating blanket with reference to thermocouple temperature in accordance with an approved work instruction After the curing time, practise how to safely remove the heating blanket, vacuum foil, thermocouple, and peel ply
Practise the ability to measure the hardness of the cured laminate with a Barcol/Shore D tester
Share their understanding of the importance of aligning the repair fibres in the direction of the fibres in each layer of the existing fibres in the context of tensile load transfer through the repair
420 min.
The aim of this lesson is to give the participants the ability to produce a trailing edge section from two sandwich panels, which they will then use to carry out the following repairs as described in later lessons:
1. sandwich repairs with damage extending through both the inner and outer laminates
laminate repairs, which do not affect the core material
surface repairs to gelcoat and paint layers
open trailing edge repairs to both laminates
bond line repairs by adhesive injection.
The dimensions of the trailing edge section must be sufficient to allow the participants to carry out the repairs, mentioned above, while challenging them to carry out the repairs with minimal areal limits in order to achieve a sufficient skill level. It is recommended that the trailing edge section measures 500mm along the trailing edge and 600mm parallel to the trailing edge.
The final thickness of the trailing edge, including laminates and bond line, must be no more than 2mm.
The sandwich panels should include an outer laminate consisting of one layer each of triax and biax and an inner laminate consisting of one layer of biax with 10mm core material (e.g. pvc foam or balsa) tapered towards the trailing edge to produce a bond line no wider than 50mm.
After having successfully completed this lesson of the Blade Repair Module, the participants can:
164) Act independently in producing a trailing edge section from two sandwich panels (Ability, intermediate level)
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