If your back hurts, should you lie in bed or take a rest on the couch? Neither, in fact while it might feel good to take a load off temporarily, either one of these can actually prolong or even worsen your symptoms.
The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Have you ever had this happen? Theweather has been really cold. Like 20’s and 30’s for weeks in a row. For some of my northern friends, you may not think that it is cold at all, but for my southern brethren, you know what I am talking about. It is so cold! Then all of a sudden, it gets up to 50. Fifty degreeweather is completely different in the winter than the summer. Is this what 2021 is going to be like? The year 2020 has been horrible for so long, that any improvement would be amazing. Do you think it will bewarmor will it start to freeze and snowwill start falling?Who knows, it’s 2021, andwe do not know what the outcome will be. I, for one, will not be satisfied with a mediocre 2021 though. It is better than 2020 but it is not going to be good enough. I have toomuch to offer, toomany people to serve, too big of an impact to make. I cannot wait to look back at 2020, the year of the Lord 2021, and see what we, as a society, have been able to accomplish. I am not going to wake up everyday and accept mediocre. If we all take this same thought process, wewill kill 2021. That is my New Year’s resolution. I usually do not do resolutions, but this year, I will make an exception. I resolve towake up everyday and make it amazing. Not “OK.” Not “today was decent.” This year, everyday isgoing tobeamazing.
Howcan I say thiswith somuch conviction? How can I be sopositive? The answer is really simple.. It is because I choose to. We can really only control 2 things. Our thoughts and our actions. My thoughts and my actions are going to be positive. My goal is to serve Collierville and the surrounding area in a way that we have never done before. My goal is tomake an impact in this community and change lives. We can do this! I’ll say it again. WE CAN DO THIS! Many of you know that I am a Star Wars fan. My favorite quote of all time is from the wise Yoda. “Do or do not, there is no try.” Ifmore peoplewould listen to themessages that Yoda gives, wewould all be better off. Try is an excuse to fail. Well.. I gave it a try?!?! Guess I can’t do it. I leave you this month with another great Yoda quote that I feel is really fitting about our society as a whole. Many people are scared. Many are in distress. If you find yourself in the clutches of fear, remember what Yoda said to Luke: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Leave Fear in 2020. Well said Yoda, well said. I think that sums up 2020. Let’s start off theNewYear with excitement and goals! I am excited!! Jeremy
The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
All You Have to Do Is Walk... American Family Physician published a study in 2015 that sheds a little light on what can happenwith a littlemovement. Nearly 250 people who experienced chronic low back pain (pain that lasted longer than three months) or recurrent low back pain (pain that happened three or more times per year) were studied. All patients reported low levels of physical activity and 76 percent were overweight or obese. This group was then divided into three treatment protocols and evaluated for pain and mobility before and after. One group in particular was given pedometers and a journal and encouraged to walk for at least 10 minutes every day, eventually working up to 30 minutes each day. What researchers discovered was surprising. Of all of the treatment
If your back hurts, should you lie in bed or take a rest on the couch? Neither, in fact while it might feel good to take a load off temporarily, either one of these can actually prolong or even worsen your symptoms. In reality, one of the most common reasons people miss work or visit their doctor is low back pain. According to a study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association, one third of adults surveyed say that low back pain impacted their ability to sleep, work or exercise. Yet more than half of Americans who experience low back pain have jobs that require them to sit for the majority of their day. This means the answer to pain relief is not found in less movement, but more.
programs studied, walking was the best way to reduce low back pain and improve mobility. That’s not to say that you can just go for a stroll and call it good. Patients in the study were given a pedometer and a notebook to keep track of the steps they took throughout the day. They were also given the charge to take a targeted number of steps in one walk. In the study, that target started with 10 minutes every day or around 1,200 steps, gradually working up to 30 minutes per day of intentional walking. The trick was to track the number of steps and record it in a journal. Not only does the patient self-monitor their progress, it gave them a way of staying accountable for their goal.
(Continued Inside)
Special Thanks to Our Local Business Partnerships
Carriage Crossing
LONG TERM RELIEF This Simple Combination Can Promote
Those who carry extra weight are more likely to experience low back pain than adults who maintain a healthy weight. They are also more likely to experience problems with their balance, gait and posture that make walking itself a painful process. Physical therapy programs use strengthening exercises to address core weakness, foot placement and balance issues and help them get back on their feet without the pain that limits their ability to walk. A Sure Foundation Physical therapists are concerned with all of the body’s systems that work together to create movement. One of the most often overlooked parts of the way we walk is our feet. We take them for granted every time we stand, sit, squat, and lift, but many times our feet are the source of pain when we walk. A physical therapist can recommend correct shoes for your gait, order customorthotics, or prescribe exercises that will strengthen the weak muscles in your feet and ankles that may prevent you from walking without pain. For low back pain sufferers, the key to relief is found in more movement. Combining physical therapy and a walking program is the most effective way to treat low back pain rather than mask it with pain relievers and muscle relaxers. Are you looking to Find out how you can start walking the path to back pain relief. Contact our office today at 901-850-5246 to find out if physical therapy and a walking plan are right for you. Sources: apta.org/Media/Releases/Consumer/2012/4/4/ aafp.org/afp/2015/0801/p230.html annals.org/aim/article-abstract/2214174/surgery-versus-nonsurgical-treatment-lumbar- spinal-stenosis-randomized-trial
(Continued from Outside)
JANUARY EVENTS at Pittman Physical Therapy ...and Go to Physical Therapy But what do you do when it hurts to even walk? Physical therapy is the ideal treatment for patients experiencing chronic low back pain. Unlike prescription pain medication, physical therapy does not have any unwanted side effects, does not carry the risk of dependency and addresses a person’s mobility as well as pain reduction. One recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine also reported that physical therapy is as effective as surgery for treating low back pain conditions, without the risks or recovery time. Pain Relief Many people already associate physical therapy with movement, balance andmobility, but few understand the role physical therapy can have in pain relief. Manual therapies such as trigger point therapy, joint mobilization andmassage play a big role in physical therapy’s ability to relieve a patient’s pain. When combined with other physical therapy modalities, manual therapies are more effective than pain medications and provide long-term relief. Strengthening Exercises The fact that more than three-fourths of adults who participated in the walking study were overweight or obese is not coincidental.
• Jan 15th: National Hat Day • Jan 20th: Cheese Lover Day • Jan 30th: Back Pain Workshop at 9 AM Check out our Facebook for additional Workshop information. • #HuntForHappiness Week: Jan. 18th - 22nd
Now offering Telehealth | COVID –19 Updates Due to the emergence of COVID-19, we are taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this virus and encouraging everyone to take action to stay healthy. While we are all changing our daily routines during this global health crisis, we want to let you know that our doors are still open, and will remain open unless we are told otherwise by our governmental leaders. We Are Open & Caring for Our Patients!
Now with more tools to help you recover quickly! WEBSITE??
Community Donations! Help us collect Art Supplies for the new semester at Memphis School of Excellence PreK-2nd Grade. Your donation will go toward materials such as Crayons, Colored Pencils, Colored Markers, and Watercolors. This project will reach 623 students within the school!
It’s Easy to Donate Online!
Scan the QR code with your
smartphone’s camera or visit donorschoose. org/project/mse-art- materials/5330227
It’s easy to request an appointment with us online today! Simply visit pittmanpt.com/request-appointment
PATIENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocated my knee. Previously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I wanted to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was old that I would h ve a 6 month r covery, bu with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully r cover d in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tess , Mar nda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed RACYN TEED CHAD nd a few oth r p ople in the practice. I will fo ver be thankful for the hard work they pu into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED The Pittman staff is the best PT I have ever been in Collierville! They are super nice, friendly, and they have a very knowledgeable staff who helped me get results. Shout outs to Alicia and Brad! They were GREAT!“ PATIENT S OTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I att nded a basketb ll camp with my te m at Briarcrest and dislocated my kne . Previously, Pittm n ad helped me r cover from a foot surgery, so f course I went straigh to them t help me with my kn e r covery. I tried not to ave surg y, but if I wan ed to pl y Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers I stopped by PittmanPT b cause I heard great things about the on Google and wante to gi e them a try. Took a couple of w eks but I am finally HEALED! My experience was aw some; I we t from barely getting around to stretching and moving normally. I was having severe lower back pain, numbness, and weakness in my right leg. Can you imagine not being able to do your everyday tasks because of these issues? I had difficulty walking, sleeping, and standing.
PA IENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman P ysical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocat d my kne . Pr viously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foo surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I want d to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED
AROUND THE CLINIC! Check Our What’s Been Happening
We appreciate our patients who dressed up in the Holiday spirit with us! Even our dogs were feeling jolly, so we dressed them up in Santa Hat’s and Pittman T-Shirts.
We have loved having Brianna during her Physical Therapy journey with us! Brianna had a personal goal to walk at least 5 miles a day. But the only thing that was holding her back was her lower back pain. Imagine just waking up in the morning to a sharp back pain that didn’t allow you to work on your daily activities. What would you do? Exercises? Visit a Physical Therapist? Stop by Pittman PT? Brianna stated: I have very little to no back pain. I am slowly working my way up to walking my 5 miles!” Thank you for stopping by, Brianna! We will miss you! BRIANNA
Check our our website at pittmanpt.com for more great testimonials from our patients!
Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy body Exercise Essentials
Stretches Your Upper Back and Shoulders
Strengthens Your Core
Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the front of your pelvis. Straighten both your knees as you slowly lower your legs towards the ground with control. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
While in a crawl position, draw up your spine to arch your back. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.
Exercises copyright of
Who do you know that needs our help?
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Do You Have Friends/Family Unable to Do the Following? 9 Move without pain 9 Bend & move freely 9 Balance confidently & securely 9 Sit for long periods of time comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active & healthy lifestyle
Share the Benefits of Pittman Physical Therapy! Has Pittman Physical Therapy helped you live a better life? Let others know how much we can help them, too! Scan the QR code below with your smartphone camera to quickly link to our Social Media pages and Google and leave a review! C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW Monthly Raffle! L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R : Monthly Raffle! L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R :
Referral Club: Thanks to our patients for referring a friend or family member!
Susan Gambell
Christa Mullaly
Ben Miller
If you know someone suffering from aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Pittman Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation! You will get your name in our next newsletter and you could win a $20 gift card! WIN A $20 GIFT CARD
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