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Community Donations! Help us collect Art Supplies for the new semester at Memphis School of Excellence PreK-2nd Grade. Your donation will go toward materials such as Crayons, Colored Pencils, Colored Markers, and Watercolors. This project will reach 623 students within the school!
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Scan the QR code with your
smartphone’s camera or visit donorschoose. org/project/mse-art- materials/5330227
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PATIENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocated my knee. Previously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I wanted to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was old that I would h ve a 6 month r covery, bu with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully r cover d in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tess , Mar nda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed RACYN TEED CHAD nd a few oth r p ople in the practice. I will fo ver be thankful for the hard work they pu into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED The Pittman staff is the best PT I have ever been in Collierville! They are super nice, friendly, and they have a very knowledgeable staff who helped me get results. Shout outs to Alicia and Brad! They were GREAT!“ PATIENT S OTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I att nded a basketb ll camp with my te m at Briarcrest and dislocated my kne . Previously, Pittm n ad helped me r cover from a foot surgery, so f course I went straigh to them t help me with my kn e r covery. I tried not to ave surg y, but if I wan ed to pl y Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers I stopped by PittmanPT b cause I heard great things about the on Google and wante to gi e them a try. Took a couple of w eks but I am finally HEALED! My experience was aw some; I we t from barely getting around to stretching and moving normally. I was having severe lower back pain, numbness, and weakness in my right leg. Can you imagine not being able to do your everyday tasks because of these issues? I had difficulty walking, sleeping, and standing.
PA IENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman P ysical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocat d my kne . Pr viously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foo surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I want d to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED
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