Rehab Access_Live Your Life Without Back Pain

In the old days, when your back was hurting, your doctor told you to rest until it felt better. However a lot has been learned about proper treatment for back pain since those days, and gone are the days of prolonged bed rest. New studies show that proper movements, posture and a gradual return to activities, has been found to be much more successful to control back pain. This allows you faster pain relief and a return to normal pain-free activities.

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness




THIS NEWSLETTER: • Ideal Protein • Hows Your Balance?

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

FindOut HowToWakeWithoutAnAche IsBedRestGoodFor Your BackPain?

Plus: Howyour feet couldcause your backpain...

In the old days, when your back was hurting, your doctor told you to rest until it felt better. However a lot has been learned about proper treatment for back pain since those days, and gone are the days of prolonged bed rest. New studies show that proper movements, posture and a gradual return to activities, has been found to be much more successful to control back pain. This allows you faster pain relief and a return to normal pain-free activities. Bed rest and inactivity have been shown to weaken muscles and bones. Whereas exercise in general, increases strength and flexibility of the muscles, aiding in healing through increased blood flow to the affected area. It has also been found that exercise and aerobic activity, like walking, assists in bringing nutrients to structures in the spine. Some of these structures, like the discs between your vertebrae, have a poor blood

supply and rely on your body’s movements and aerobic activity to circulate nutrients. When a person is inactive, less of these nutrients are able to get to the structures in the spine to keep them healthy. In our SPINE program we look at your individual health history, as well as your current mobility level and interests. Based on this, our physical therapists put together an individualized exercise program specifically for you. They will help guide you back into your previous activity level without pain. In addition to exercise, physical therapy utilizes a variety of gentle modalities such as ultrasound, electric stimulation, massage and heat or cold therapy to help relieve muscular spasms. Our program will first relieve your pain and then provide exercises to restore your strength and instruct you in how to prevent your symptoms from recurring.


Poor balance and coordination is the number one cause of trips, falls, and injuries. It even greatly affects back pain and posture. You don’t have to be old to have non-optimum balance. In fact, a majority of sports injuries are attributed to not having the right balance reflexes needed to adapt to the surface, causing sprains, strains and other injuries.

Our balance and vestibular system gives us the ability to walk on two legs, run and be active. Our balance and vestibular system develop as we grow from a baby all the way through adulthood, and then begins to decline. Most people don’t know their balance is not optimum until they suffer a sports injury, trip and fall, or lose their balance in the shower. Nomatter what

your age, balance affects your ability to be active. We welcome you to schedule a visit with us for a more complete evaluation. Give Rehab Access Physical Therapy a call today to talk with your therapist.


Lie flat on your stomach on the bed or floor. If you are unable to lie flat, initially put a pillow under your stomach and gradually try to remove it. This will keep your spine neutral andmay alleviate your sharp pain. Once you can tolerate this position, lie with your elbows under your shoulders to get some extension in your spine. Hold here for 3-5 minutes. Do this several times a day.


AreYour Feet Causing Your Back Pain?

When your foot hits the ground, your whole body feels the effect.  Imagine in your car if your shock absorbers were worn out. You would feel every bump and jolt from the road. Your feet and legs are much the same way. The greater the impact of your step, the more impact it has on your body. Sometimes our legs are not quite the same length due to joint replacements or arthritic conditions in the ankle, knee, or hip. Even small differences may cause back or leg pain. A small heel lift can often change symptoms dramatically. Many times tightness in the ankle can also contribute to back pain. When the ankle joint is tight, this essentially makes that leg “longer” which can cause the spine to curve slightly and result in back and leg pain. Your feet and legs need to be able to support the rest of your body during walking tasks. We will evaluate your leg and foot strength and mobility and focus on improving the muscles that are weak and stretching those that are tight. This in turn will allow you to walk with better form and help to eliminate back pain. If we find that you need some type of modification to your shoes or inserts we will make those recommendations as well. We want to look at everything that can be contributing to your back pain, not just your back.This can be done under the guidance and expertise of our physical therapists at Rehab Access Physical Therapy.

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Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.

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