
Tight at the Museum COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUNITY



DUNVEGAN | As it begins its 52 nd year under a newly-formed corporation, the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan is facing some tough financial questions. “Things are tight,” treasurer Kent MacSweyn warned in presenting the 2013 financial statements at the recent annual meeting of the organization, which has recently become an autonomous corpora- tion. He urged supporters to come up with new ways to improve the financial situation of the museum that opened in 1962, under the auspices of the Glengarry Historical Society. Like many other groups, the mu- seum is “feeling the pinch,” said MacSweyn, noting that over the years, its reserves have been dropping. In 2013, the museum recorded a $23,958 deficit on expenses of $103,547 and reve- nues of $79,589. In 2012, a $14,513 surplus was recorded on revenues of $143,512 and expenditures of $128,999. The group’s accumulated surplus has decreased from $158,987 to $135,029. The 2014 budget projects expenses of $90,400 and revenues of $53,500, meaning the organization must take $36,900 from reserves to balance its books this year.

Un gros MERCI à nos donateurs, bénévoles, commanditaires, employés-employ- eurs partenaires et aux médias qui nous ont aidés à surpasser notre objecƟf 2013 de collecte de fonds, soit un grand total de 256 000 $ . Grâce à la générosité de la populaƟon de PrescoƩ-Russell et de ses partenaires, Centraide pourra redonner à des organismes sociaux et communautaires de la région encore ceƩe année. Centraide/United Way PrescoƩ-Russell informe tous les organismes de PrescoƩ-Russell que le formulaire pour faire une demande de subvenƟon est maintenant disponible. Vous pouvez vous le procurer par l’une des façons suiv- antes : sur le site web, en composant le 613-632-4699, par courriel au, ou à nos bureaux au 134 rue Main est, bureau 103, Hawkesbury, ON. La date limite pour présenter une demande est le 13 juin 2014. A big THANK YOU to our donors, volunteers, sponsors, employees-employers partners and media who made it possible for us to surpass our 2013 campaign goal, for a grand total of $256,000. Thanks to the generosity of the populaƟon of PrescoƩ-Russell and it’s partners, United Way will give back to local community agencies again this year. Centraide/United Way PrescoƩ-Russell wishes to inform all organizaƟons within PrescoƩ-Russell, that the Grant ApplicaƟon Form is now available. A copy can be obtained either by visiƟng our website at, by contact- ing our office at 613-632-4699, by email at or in person at our office situated at 134 Main Street East, Suite 103, Hawkesbury, ON. All grant applicaƟons must be post-marked no later than June 13th, 2014.

Photos Richard Mahoney

However, perspective from guest spea- ker David Anderson lifted the spirits of the assembled volunteers. The historian spoke on Heroic Donors: Peter Stuart Grant and the rescue of the Star Inn . Grant was a busi- ness titan in Alberta, but he never forgot his Glengarry roots. The late philanthropist helped saved the Star Inn, the first building to be moved to the museum site. Anderson related that Grant has a reflex answer to requests for help:“Who do I make the cheque to?” Anderson expressed opti- mism that another “heroic donor” would emerge to help the organization deal with its contemporary financial woes. Shakespeare In The Park While the museum is meant to reflect rural life in the 19 th century, 2014 program planners have gone back to the 1500s for inspiration. Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” will be presented by Ottawa’s Company of Fools Theatre July 10 at 7 p.m. The new season begins on the long weekend, May 17 to 19, followed by a June 14 driving tour and a Doors Open free- admission weekend June 21 and 22. Quilts and fibres will be handled June 28 and 29 while Thelma MacCaskill will present World War II: Researching Veterans August 10. The ever-popular Wood Fair returns August 23 while the Harvest Fall Festival is scheduled for September 21. The annual War of 1812 reenactment will be on September 27 and 28. Historian David Anderson believes a new “heroic donor”will emerge.

Treasurer Kent MacSweyn has urged supporters to find new ways of generating money for the Glengarry Pioneer Museum. Racing Against Drugs

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Racing Against Drugs (RAD) committee members dropped by Iona Academy Catholic School in St. Raphael’s to present the grade 6 class with the winner’s trophy for completing the most laps during the week of the annual event. (Back, from left) Randy Lalonde (SD&G Paramedic), RCMP Constable and RAD Chair Jean Juneau, students Abby Gravelle, Quinn Mulhearn, Constable Joel Doiron, of the Stormont- Dundas-Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police detachment, (front) Dylan Spence and Jake VanderBurg. In its 16th year, RAD offers multiple anti-drug messages to grade 6 students in SD&G. This year, over 1,100 students took part in the event where “pit stops” are set up to drive home messages on the consequences of taking drugs.

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