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An open letter to the Nation Council

SUR NOS CLIENTS Laplante dévoile la nouvelle Cruze

Summary of a letter sent recently to the council of the Nation municipality. OnMonday, February 29, the Limoges Community Improvement Group partici- pated in a second delegation to the Nation council to learn the individual positions of the mayor regarding four important community priorities first presented in December 2015: Economic Development, Budget Fairness, Increased Representa- tion and Recreation / Culture. We chose to work voluntarily on those priorities after listening to our neighbours, talking with people at community events and touching base with taxpayers through social media. It is clear taxpayers inWard 4 are increasingly frustrated paying higher taxes and have expressed discouragement with the limited progress on community and commercial development. The Nation ranks 2 nd highest out of eight municipalities in Prescott-Russell in terms of residential taxes. When compar- ing 2015 residential tax rates between the Nation (0.00691074) and Russell Town- ship (0.00523693) by dividing the Nation rate by the Russell rate, you find that the Nation taxpayers pay over 30 per cent more than Russell taxpayers. Ward 4/Li- moges and the Nation as a whole is losing the battle in terms of competitiveness with neighbouringmunicipalities, devel- opment is limited and house values are falling as residents start tomove to other municipalities.

Mr. Mayor and members of council, Ward 4 taxpayers are frustrated by the lack of progress on economic develop- ment. Ward 4 taxpayers feel disconnected from the Nation and are upset at having to continuously carry a heavier tax burden to support the balance of the municipality. Improving our overall economic position now is the only way thatThe Nationwill be able to address this ongoing inequitable tax burden. The Nationwas created almost 20 years ago and much has changed in that time, mostly in Ward 4. Ward 4 now accounts for over 37 per cent of the electors of The Nation and, more importantly, contrib- utes about an estimated 45 per cent of all the Nation’s municipal residential tax revenues. Yet, the Nation’s tax revenues are typically split equally among all wards, leavingWard 4 residents to carry amuch larger tax burden than other Nation tax- payers, and Ward 4 has only one coun- cillor with one vote. Predictably so, only our councillor was open to looking into options to increase the voice for Ward 4 on Council. We will continue to focus on making Ward 4/Limoges the great place it could be and influence positive change in our municipality. Maurice Poulin and Phillipe Warren Limoges Community Improvement Group

L’équipe de Laplante Chevrolet Buick et GMC de Casselman a dévoilé, le samedi 9 avril dernier, le tout nouveau modèle de la Chevrolet Cruze. La nouvelle Cruze est maintenant dotée d’un moteur 1.4 litres turbo. Sa consommation d’essence est de 100 km sur la route. De plus, la technologie sans fil 4G LTE est intégrée dans la voiture et gratuite pour une période de trois mois. Ceci permettra d’utiliser l’application pour téléphones intelligents Télé-Accès d’On Star. On reconnaît, ci- dessus, le propriétaire de Laplante, Jacques Laplante, les représentants des ventes Marcel Perras, Karina Brooks et Yvan Racine de même que certains clients qui étaient présents.

10 au 16 avril 2016 Les bénévoles sont les racines qui ancrent les collectivités

April 10-16, 2016 Volunteers are the roots of strong communities

Le Canton de Stormont Nord célèbre la Semaine nationale du bénévolat!

The Township of North Stormont celebrates National Volunteer Week!

Du 10 au 16 avril, Bénévoles Canada et le Canton de Stormont Nord rendent hommage aux 12,7 millions de bénévoles canadiens pour la Semaine de l’action bénévole.

From April 10 to 16, Volunteer Canada and the Township of North Stormon t celebrate Canada’s 12.7 million volunteers during National Volunteer Week.

Bénévoles Canada (, encourage tous les Canadiens à s’engager dans leurs collectivités et à collaborer avec une myriade d’organismes. L’expertise de cette organisation se fonde sur des études de pointe, sur des connaissances pratiques et sur un réseau introspectif unique qui regroupe un grand nombre d’organismes, de particuliers, de centres d’actions bénévoles locales et d’organisations nationales aux milliers d’employés. Le Canton de Stormont Nord a vu des milliers de bénévoles tout au long des années, et 2015 a été une année incroyable pour prouver que nos bénévoles sont les racines qui ancrent les collectivités. Plus de 800 bénévoles ont participé au succès du Concours de labour international 2015 à Finch et plus de 100 bénévoles ont fait du premier Train des Fêtes vient à Stormont Nord, un succès, aussi en 2015. Nous avons des centaines de bénévoles à Avonmore, Berwick, Crysler, Finch, Monkland et Moose Creek offrant des activités de loisirs toute l'année pour nos communautés, orientées pour les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Nous avons aussi des centaines de pompiers volontaires qui, dans les mêmes villages, contribuent à la sécurité dans notre collectivité. Nous vous remercions! Les membres du Conseil, le personnel et les membres de la communauté de Stormont Nord profitent de cette occasion pour remercier les nombreux bénévoles dans le domaine des loisirs communautaires, les pompiers, les partenaires comme les bénévoles des Clubs Lions, des clubs Optimistes, des clubs Rotary, les chambres de commerce et bien d'autres, pour votre enthousiasme et leur travail acharné pour faire de Stormont Nord un lieu où on cultive la croissance!

Volunteer Canada ( is the national voice for volunteerism in Canada. Since 1977, Volunteer Canada has been committed to increasing and supporting volunteerism and civic participation. Volunteer Canada collaborates closely with volunteer centres, local organizations and national corporations to promote and broaden volunteering. Volunteer Canada’s programs, research, training, tools, resources and national initiatives provide leadership on issues and trends in Canada’s volunteer landscape. The Township of North Stormont has seen thousands of Volunteers throughout the years, and 2015 was an amazing year to prove that our Volunteers are the roots of a strong community. Over 800 volunteers participated in making the 2015 International Plowing Match’s a success in Finch. More than 100 volunteers made the first Holiday Train comes to North Stormont a hit as well in 2015. We have hundreds of volunteers in Avonmore, Berwick, Crysler, Finch, Monkland and Moose Creek providing recreational activities all year round for our communities, children, teens and adults. We also have hundreds of volunteer Firefighters in the same villages contributing to security and safety in our community. Thank you!

The Council, Staff and Community members of North Stormont would like to take the opportunity to thank the many volunteers in Community Recreation, the Firefighters, the partners like the volunteers of the Lions Clubs, Optimist Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce and many others for their enthusiasm and hard work for making North Stormont a Good Place to Grow!

Pour obtenir d’autres renseignements, communiquer avec : Lucie Légaré, MBA Économique, Parcs et agent des loisirs Canton de North Stormont 613-984-2821 ext 233

For more information, please contact: Lucie Légaré, MBA Economic, Parks and Recreation Officer Township of North Stormont 613-984-2821 ext 233

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