Navigating Navy Child Care Excellence


How far in advance should I sign up? Families should request child care at their new duty installation as soon as they know where they will be going—official orders are not required—or as soon as they know a new child will be joining their family. This is especially important when moving to a large installation or metro area that has a large demand for child care. Families should consider placing a request for care at any program that they think may meet their needs. If the family does not know the exact date they will arrive, they can place the request with their best guess and update this once a firm date is known. How does the waitlist work? Families are sequenced based on their DoD Priority, the date they place their request and the date they need care. Families populate on the waitlist as immediate need once they are within 30 days of their date of care. Wait times for care on the installation vary based on each family’s DoD priority and current waitlist at the installation. What is DoD Priority? Military programs must serve the highest priority families first to ensure the most mission-critical families receive access to military child care. To ensure programs meet this requirement, DoD prioritizes your family based on your family type. For more information about the DoD Priority System, visit:

How long will I have to wait to receive an offer for care? Families requesting care at a CDC will be able to view their Anticipated Placement Time (APT) in MCC. APT is an estimate of how long you can expect to wait for a child care space in the requested program. APT is not a guaranteed placement time and may be adjusted because of changes to the request, your family type or the requested program.



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