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La fusion des deux Services des incendies de la municipalité de Russell en un seul service est la principale recommandation d’un rapport au conseil municipal. La fusion signifierait un seul chef de pompiers pour toute la municipalité avec des chefs de pompiers de district pour les casernes d’Embrun et de Russell. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


Chief Campbell noted that having these full-time positions will be necessary given future projections for the township’s growing population and expansion of its residential and commercial areas. “One of the three main lines of defence for fire protection for a community is public education and prevention,” said Campbell. “It’s getting tougher and tougher, with just part-time staff, to get that message and information out there.”

The 140-page report was prepared as part of the 2019 business plan for the local fire departments. A consultant, with expertise in developing master plans for fire departments in other Ontario municipalities, was hired to research issues dealing with fire prevention and response, consult with both departments on present and future needs and concerns, and then draft a list of recommendations for council to consider and pursue over the next five years of upgrading and improving fire services for the township.

The final master plan report presented to council includes more than 70 recom- mendations, most of them minor in nature. The primary recommendation calls for amal- HBNBUJOHUIF3VTTFMMBOE&NCSVOWJMMBHF fire departments into a single municipal fire department with a single fire chief. The merger wouldn’t change operations at the two fire stations, except they would each have a district fire chief who would report to the municipal fire chief. The report also recommends several full- time positions for the new municipal fire department. Besides a full-time fire chief, there would also be a full-time administrative assistant, and either one or two full-time fire prevention officers.

A report on the master plan for Russell Township’s emergency services recom- mends merging the two municipal fire departments into one. “That would be the main idea,” said Bruce Campbell, Russell fire chief, during an interview following the January 13 council session. The growth of the municipality is forcing our hand. We have no choice.”

Council and administration will go over the report during the next few months to deter- mine a priority list for the recommendations. Administration will also provide council with approximate timelines and possible costs to implement all of the recommendations. NEW RADIO VOICE OUT OF CARLSBAD AND VARS

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Radio’s news director, Candice Vetter. Vetter is a longtime print journalist who covered news for more than a decade for several local newspapers. 1SFSFDPSEFEOFXTTFHNFOUTJO&OHMJTI will be reported and announced by Vetter at the top of the hour, and First Local will feature interviews and in-depth stories about local issues, people and places, as well as regional stories of interest, or any stories that will affect people in Carlsbad Springs, Vars, and neighbouring communities

There’s a new voice on the radio coming out of Carlsbad Springs.listeners. CJRO is Carlsbad Springs’ and Vars’ own radio station, available at 107.7 in Carls- bad Springs and 107.9 in Vars, and online at . CJRO Carlsbad Vars Radio will begin airing First Local in February, as a new public affairs radio , show written and hosted by CJRO


BIBLIOTHÈQUE PUBLIQUE DE CASSELMAN 764, RUE BRÉBEUF, C.P 340, CASSELMAN, ON K0A 1M0 Téléphone : 613-764-5505 Télécopieur : 613-764-5507

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ASSEMBLÉE ANNUELLE DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE PUBLIQUE DE CASSELMAN Le lundi 27 janvier 2020 à 19h À la bibliothèque située au 764, rue Brébeuf Le public et les membres sont les bienvenus

La filiale 372 de Russell de la Légion royal canadienne, tient à remercier les écoles, les commerçants et les clients fidèles de Russell, Embrun, Limoges, Vars et Casselman qui soutiennent chaque année notre campagne de coquelicot. Avec votre aide et le soutien de nos bénévoles dévoués nous avons recueilli la somme de $12,892.00. L’argent recuilli sert à donner un don à la residence Pearly Rideau, financer de l’aide aux anciens combatants et leurs familles, des bourse d’études et de l’aide à nos corps de cadets locaux.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CASSELMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday, January 27, 2020 at 7 p.m. At the library located at 764 Brébeuf St. The general public and members are welcome

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