

A proactive, data-driven onboarding message schedule means you are talking to your customers based on how they’re actually using your app. Sometimes you’re helping customers before they even realize they need it, and reducing your support load in the long run. This “just enough, just in time” approach means you will send fewer messages to more of your users. The ones who do get a specific message are the ones whose behavior indicates they need it.

A little theory can go a long way

Educators know differentiation is hard, but worth it. That does not mean all 150 students a teacher sees every day get an individually tailored lesson. Rather, the best teachers plan variety into their lessons so there are multiple points of access to the content throughout a unit and the curriculum. In the world of software at scale, it doesn’t mean hand-holding every new user through the onboarding process. Differentiated onboarding means strategically building a few structures to help your users get the information they need, when they need it, in the way they understand it.

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