
Fast-forward 50 years to the 1970s and fast food has changed dramatically. It’s something similar to what we have today – restuarants you drive to, or even drive through, largely outside of city centers. It was caused by a monumental shift in where people eat and live – suburbia. It meant car culture started to dominate, changing America’s landscape forever. And as the environment changed, as the contexts changed, the onboarding changed too.

In software, contexts change fast

If we look at onboarding for software, the same contexts apply – the products we sell, the environment, the audience, the packaging, and the price. And in software, these contexts change fast. With so much change, you’d expect onboarding experiences to keep pace. That’s not really the case. Traditionally software onboarding experiences don’t change much. Perhaps the biggest reason is companies default to optimizing their onboarding even when redesigning might be a better decision. If we look across these two axes – performance and context – we can see the different situations where it might make sense to optimize, and when it might make sense to redesign.

When to optimize and when to redesign

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