
build their profiles over time.

LinkedIn does this by assigning user profiles a strength rating. The rating is displayed on every user profile, with a call to action to “Improve Your Profile Strength”. This gives users the chance to complete elements of the profile they left incomplete during their initial onboarding. With each step they complete, users are rewarded with an improved strength rating. As we’ll examine later though, progress should be based on what the user wants to do, not what the business wants them to do.

6. Connect teams

The way software is being bought is changing, and the buyer for a company often starts as an individual user. Collaborative, team-based SaaS products like Asana, Dropbox and Slack know the sooner they can connect these individual users to a team the more momentum they build toward a premium upgrade. In each of these examples, when signing up with an email domain others have already used, new users are prompted to connect with teammates on the same domain. “Ask to join” and “Find your team” are common ways to encourage users from a company, who may not know their colleagues are considering the same tool, to connect. Slack builds its teammate invitation right into the onboarding flow prior to letting you use the product. In this case, teammates make the tool valuable. With a simple opt in, Slack allows new users to let their teammates join without additional permissions if they’ve created an

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