African SMEs’ Performance and Behaviors during COVID-19

Results show that pricing is the number 1 reason why people choose their Internet for, the speed is the number 2 reason, followed by reliability (stability of service). Among the Other (Please specify), some of the comments and reasons mentioned: “Best of the worst” - “It's what we could aford” - “The service is good in my area” - “They all share the same faulty infrastructure and pricing schemes - no real options.” - “They were the only, still are the ones I can access in my area”- The comments clearly indicate the lack of options and competition among service providers and that the quality of Internet is in general bad across all ISPs.

D- Internet Services

On another side, we asked participants to rank “the following criteria according to the level of importance in a broadband service”, and we obtained the following results.

Table 2.11: Criteria of importance in broadband

The results bring connection uptime as the number 1 criteria, followed by seed then pricing. We then asked participants “What are the improvements that you think your current broadband ISP should be improving on?” and we obtained the following results


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