African SMEs’ Performance and Behaviors during COVID-19

The chart shows that for most Business users, the Internet is mainly used for marketing the products and services of the SME (159 responses collected) followed by getting orders, (34 responses collected), closely followed by distributing my product/service then by distribution and logistics. In the other category, we fnd 6 responses pointing mostly to activities related to marketing the product/service of the company. Our results also point to the supremacy of email and social media usage for business purposes as well as some usage of specifc software (frmware) as indicated in the below table:

Table 2.12: Use emails and social media

The table is indicative of the heavy usage of social media and emails in work contexts (when related to the marketing of products and services), this makes perfect logic.

Information Security

For those using the Internet for their businesses, we wanted to establish whether they “have concerns over the security of information transmitted over the internet”, and a majority of 71,5% determined this to be a concern thus establishing cybersecurity as a challenge they are facing.

Figure 2.56: Concerns over Security of information

To dig further into why information security is a concern to those who responded by yes, we gave them a list of reasons for the statement “My concern over information security breach is


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