22A — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
Creating the perfect environment
ontvale, NJ—The remediation by River Drive Construction DEP expedites cleanup of contaminated site RiverDrive&First Evergreen partner to remediate in NJ M
• MEP Design • Sprinkler Design • Commissioning • Energy Conservation and incentives
clean-up, which involved the removal and recycling of 700 tons of contaminated soil, was expedited through the LSRP Program, with the result that a clean-up that formerly might have required a lengthy wait took fewer than six months to complete. “We’re thrilled that River Drive has been able to return an underutilized property to productive use, which dem- onstrates the success of the LSRP program in speeding up cleanups,” said Joseph Lan- gan, president of River Drive. “By allowing us to complete the cleanup more quickly, the program has also helped the common good by lowering the risk to public health and to the environment.” The LSRP program, which was established under the Site Remediation Reform Act of 2009, has been phased in over the past three years, with full implementation having taken place in May. The program allows the DEP to focus its resources on sites with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment by shifting the task of remediating the remaining sites to the LSRP Program. “We are excited to have part- nered on this project with River Drive Construction,” said Lee
Goldmeier, principal and found- ing member of First Evergreen. “The project was completed in less than six months and at 15 percent below budget. In addition to being a benefit to public health, this project also benefits the economy: returning the property to productive use creates jobs and contributes to local tax revenues.” According to the DEP, New Jersey has nearly 15,000 con- taminated sites that need to be cleaned up, about 9,000 of which are eligible for the LSRP program. The remain- ing sites include residential underground heating oil tank cases that are exempted un- der the act, cases that require long-termmonitoring, federally led cleanups and DEP publicly funded cases. About 1,200 cases have been closed since the start of the program. “With qualified LSRPs direct- ing cleanups, New Jersey will be able to greatly increase the pace of remediation, with a concomitant reduction in the number of contaminated sites,” said Langan. “The property at 10 Craig Road is one of many examples of the effectiveness of this new program at streamlin- ing cleanups.” The LSRP for the project was provided through Atlantic En- vironmental Solutions. n
a n d F i r s t E v e r g r e e n Properties of a contaminat- ed property in Montvale has demon- strated the value of New Jersey’s new
PO Box 782, Voorhees, NJ 08043 P: 856-988-1890 Email: info@gilbeauxassociates.com www.gilbeauxassociates.com Contact: Jeff Gilbeaux
Joseph Langan
Licensed Site Remediation Pro- fessional Program, whose aim is to protect the public health and generate opportunities for redevelopment by expediting environmental cleanups. Under the new system, high- ly qualified environmental consultants called Licensed Site Remediation Profession- als, or LSRPs, carry out site remediation work under strict standards established by the NJ Department of Environ- mental Protection (DEP). The program was established in an effort to overhaul the state’s site remediation system, which had proven to be cumbersome and inefficient, according to the DEP. Because the Montvale prop- erty, located at 10 Craig Road, had historically been used as an apple orchard, the site was contaminated with pes- ticides. The environmental
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