
24A — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings

In the Office Building category Three Mack-Cali properties receive Boma New Jersey’s Energy Reduction Awards


dison, NJ — Mack- Cali Realty Corpora- tion announced that

menting building improve- ments to reduce overall energy consumption. Mitchell Hersh, Mack-Cali president and chief executive officer, said, “These awards

are excellent demonstrations of our continuing commit- ment to upholding the highest standards for the management of Mack-Cali’s office proper- ties.” n

Mack-Cali Bridgewater I, 721 Route 202/206 in Bridgewater; 8 Campus Drive, Mack-Cali Business Campus in Parsip- pany; and 10 Mountainview Road in Upper Saddle River have all received energy re- duction awards in the Office Building category from the New Jersey Chapter of the Building Owners and Manag- ers Association (“BOMA”). The focus of the energy ef- ficiency plans at the properties was to continually seek out

Emory Hill’s Larson & Moretti earn Green Associate credential

NEW CASTLE, DE — Em- ory Hill & Company an- nounces that Lew Larson of Emory Hill & Company (con- struction) and Alan Moretti of Emory Hill Real Estate Services, Inc. (property man- agement) have earned the

Mack-Cali Bridgewater I

cupants. The plans included employee training, monthly tracking and analysis of build- ing energy use, and imple-

solutions to allow for more efficient energy usage while providing safe, comfortable environments for building oc-

credential of “LEED Green Associate.” To earn the cre- dential, Larson and Moretti passed the LEED Green Associate exam given by the GBCI (Green Building Certi- fication Institute). Larson is a project man- ager for the construction division and has more than 35 years of experience in the industry. Moretti joined Emory Hill in 2011 as a com- mercial property manager. He has several years of ex- perience in property manage- ment and was formerly with Jones Lang LaSalle in New York. n Lew Larson Alan Moretti Three Hollenbach employees achieve Lead Certified Renovator status Boyertown, PA— Hol- lenbach Construction, Inc. announced that three em- ployees achieved the status of Lead Certified Renovator from the EPA-Certified Na- tional Center for Healthy Housing. EPA regulations indicate that firms performing reno- vation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead- based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be cer- tified, individual renovators must be trained by an EPA- accredited training provider, and the firms and renovators must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. Those receiving the certi- fications are president Tim Little, project manager Ber- nie Anton and project super- intendent Gary Miller. n

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