Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — 27A
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Celebrating sustainability improvements in existing buildings Urban Green Council announced winners for EBie Awards given in six categories
eW yOrK, Ny — Ur- ban Green Council recently announced
67 total entries were received and have been narrowed down to 14 finalist projects. Finalists were selected by an all-star panel of distinguished jurors composed of leaders in real estate, sustainability, finance, architecture, academia and government. “We were blown away by the quality of entrants. Many re- duced energy use by more than 50%, and some hardly spent any money getting there,” said ron Auriana, a member of the jury and Director of Global Fa- cilities & Design at Bloomberg. “it’s clear that retrofitting ex- isting buildings is good for the
environment and the bottom line. We need to get the word out about these vital projects and heroes.” Awards will be given in six eBie categories: tHe ALL-rOUNDer: this award recognizes the most im- proved building across two or more sustainability categories. Addressing more categories improves the project’s chances of winning. Categories that can be included are: energy, water, waste management, materi- als use, indoor environmental quality, tenant engagement, other. tHe sMOOtHOPerAtOr/
ALLreVVeDUPANDreADy tO GO: this award (combined from two categories) recognizes the most improved building across two or more sustainabil- ity categories achieved solely through improved operations, maintenance or through retro- commissioning exercises. tHe reFOrMeD DriNK- er/tAKeMe tO tHe riVer (combined from two catego- ries): this award recognizes the building with the greatest achievement in reducing po- table water usage. tHereFOrMeDGAsGUZ- ZLer: this award recognizes the building with the highest
percentage of energy savings. sHiNe A LiGHt ON Me: this award recognizes the best lighting retrofit, as mea- sured in energy performance, productivity enhancement and good design. VerDANt BrAiNiAC: this award recognizes the most innovative green renovation project, particularly one that overcame significant barriers (cost, institutional, techno- logical) in a manner that is scalable. the eBie Awards are spon- sored by Carrier; Greensource is the media sponsor for the event. n
the finalists for the upcoming eBie Awards ™, a new nation- wide juried competition that celebrates sustainability im- provements in existing Build- ings (eBies), and the people who made them happen. the winners were announced at an Oscars-style awards show held on June 28 at the Hard rock Café in times square. With buildings accounting for more than 1/3 of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, and 85% of the buildings expected to be in use in 2030 already standing, there is a tremendous need to retrofit existing build- ings for improved efficiency and sustainability. the eBies, sponsored by Carrier, a part of UtC Cli- mate, Controls & security, recognizes “unsung heroes” who have made great strides in improving environmental performance but whose accom- plishments may otherwise go unheralded – not just building owners, but building manag- ers and operators, auditors, commissioning agents, light- ing designers, plumbing engi- neers and others. Unlike other awards, the eBies are based on measurable improvements in performance. “retrofitting a new building may not be as sexy as building a new one, but making our existing buildings more sus- tainable is the only way we’re going to make a real dent in our carbon footprint,” said russell Unger, executive director of Urban Green Council. “the building manager at your office or the super in your apartment building could very well be doing great work that saves resources andmoney. these are the people and projects we will be honoring at the eBies.” “transforming our built en- vironment is a central part of our sustainability program, PlaNyC, and it’s why we have adopted some of the most am- bitious green building codes in the country,” said New york City Mayor Michael r. Bloom- berg. “With the opportunity to host the eBieAwards – and cel- ebrate the nomination of New york City’s own green buildings – we recognize the significant impact efficiency measures will have on our future, including lower greenhouse gas emis- sions, energy costs and build- ing waste.”
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