Willow Physical Therapy_Pelvic Floor

Physical Therapy

Staff Spotlight

defecating, and pain in the low back, buttocks, and hips. You may also have decreased tolerance to a variety of activities including sitting or standing, walking, exercise, and sexual intercourse. How A Physical Therapist Can Treat Pelvic Pain Every patient presenting with chronic pelvic pain is unique. If you come to see a physical therapist for your pelvic dysfunction, you’ll be taken through a thorough physical examination and patient history questionnaire. He or she will ask you specific questions about your pain, what makes it worse and better, and whether you have a history of any related issues. Based on the results of the examination, your physical therapist can then develop a customized treatment plan to relieve your symptoms and address the suspected underlying causes to prevent recurring dysfunction. Common physical therapy treatments may include: • Soft tissue mobilization and massage of internal and external pelvic musculature, to relieve muscle tension and provide pain relief. • Spinal and sacroiliac joint manipulations to reset the neurological pathway, relieve pain, and restore normal spinal alignment. • Electrical stimulation modalities, such as neuromuscular electrical stimulation to provide pain relief and restore normal neuromuscular activation of pelvic floor muscles and nerves. • Therapeutic exercises to restore the normal strength, flexibility, and endurance of stabilizing postural muscles in the low back and hips. Struggling with pelvic pain? Frustrated and concerned about incontinence? For both short-term and long-lasting relief without the need from invasive interventions or medications, consider consulting with a physical therapist today.

Hannah is one of our newest Certified Birth Healing Practitioners and a must for mamas and mama-to-be’s to meet with. She does amazing work and helps mamas feel supported and loved. Check her out on Instagram @hannahpetersenpt for great pelvic tips and healing. Congratulations to Hannah Petersen, PT, from Fairbanks, Alaska!

Patient Spotlight

“Since coming to Willow for incontinence problem I have greatly improved and I no longer feel self conscious going places and doing things.” - L.Gridley

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