

Two job fairs and more for March 2015

about half of most new businesses do not last more than five years and also more than three-quarters of existing businesses are going to change hands or may even close within a period of five to 10 years from now. The reason may be a merger with another entreprise, relocation to another area, or some other explanation. What we’re going to do during these workshops is talk about how local entrepreneurs can make themselves better informed and aware of existing and available resources and also the possibilities for their own current operations.” Participation in the job fairs and the conferences is open and free for anyone wishing to attend. But those interested in the BDO- sponsored events need to sign up online at the job fair website link when it becomes active in January. Find the link at - Adapted in English by Gregg Chamberlain

Yannick Charette


The Prescott-Russell Employment Services Centre (PRESC) confirmed that it will host not just one, but two major job fairs in the region next March. The first event will be held March 14 at the RiverRock Inn in Rockland. The second is scheduled for March 21 at l’École secondaire régionale catholique de Hawkesbury. For the fourth annual presentation of its job fair program, the agency has adopted the slogan, “Pass the Word”, a snapshot look at the value of networking for job hunters and also recognition of the valuable cooperation between various businesses and key executives in making this event happen. “The initial fair’s focus was on the students, both the job hunters and the workers,” explained Murielle Huneault-Pilon, PRESC spokesperson. “Often people tend to think of a job fair as just something that helps them to find work. But it’s also for those who are already employed, maybe in a temporary capacity, or who might just simply want to look at something different. The challenge I throw at people that they should be happy in what they are doing or be willing to seek out something different.” With close to 40 businesses and also a large number of potential job applicants signed for the two fairs next year, PRESC officials hope to create a real passion within the business community, not only to draw in the crowds but also to strengthen the economic profile of Prescott-Russell, both within the region itself and beyond. The job fair is both an occasion when business owners can uncover choice candidates for positions, and also avoid any potential future problems with personnel turnover. “During the summer, we give many students the opportunity to work with us,” said Stéphane Jeaurond, owner of Marché Lacroix in Hawkesbury. “Next year four staff members who have worked with me for the past three or four years are going off to university, so I’m going to need some new blood to replace them. Also, finding trained and experienced butchers is difficult, but the centre was able to find us one in Kingston in less than a month’s time. Finding and hiring new staff isn’t easy, and the job fair sure does help me find the people I need.” Also on the subject of jobs and careers, the PRESC is partnered with BDO Canada for two conferences dealing with the realm of business. These sessions should prove very interesting for anyone thinking about starting up their own business, looking to buy an existing business, or seeking ways to better manage their existing operations and make them more efficient. “We’re going to look at and talk about things from the administrative point of view and such,” said Yannick Charrette, BDO Rockland director for certification and accountancy. “Business owners know their own areas of expertise, but when you start talking about business operations and workers, it can be a little more complicated. According to industry statistics and projections, The new council andmayor for Alfred-Plantagenet Township are coming down hard with solid support for local agencies to look after the community’s blue box recycling needs. A delegation from Group Convex and its community employment program, Recycle Action, asked council Dec. 15 for a show of support against a study going on in Kingston about the feasibility of set- ting up a large-scale blue-box recycling facility and program to handle all of the household tin, bottle glass, newspapers and other recyclable materials throughout Eastern Ontario. Recycle Action provides blue-box collection of recyclables in Alfred- Plantagenet and several other Prescott-Russell municipalities and its program also provides jobs for people who might othe- rwise have difficulty finding work. Township council gave una- nimous approval to signing a form letter provided by Groupe Convex stating the township has“no interest”in being part of an Eastern Ontario mega-blue box recycling program out of Kings- ton. 1,,+.0ŏ(+(ŏ.!5(!./


1560 rue Laurier Street ROCKLAND ON K4K 1P7 613-446-6022



Soyez avisés que le jeudi 8 janvier 2015 , le conseil de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland tiendra sa réunion publique officielle conformément à la Loi de 1997 sur les redevances d’aménagement , quant aux taux proposés des redevances d’aménagement et la politique qui sera appliquée dans toute la Cité. Il est proposé que l’adoption du règlement soit considérée lors de la réunion régulière du conseil le 26 janvier 2015. Les redevances d’aménagement sont prélevées selon le nouveau développement et sont une source principale de financement des dépenses d’investissement relativement à la croissance. L’étude préliminaire des redevances d’aménagement 2014 se rapporte aux charges estimatives des services municipaux incluant : bibliothèque, garderie, parcs et loisirs, travaux publics, transport en commun, services de la réglementation, gouvernement général, incendies, chemins, les égouts et l’aqueduc. Le conseil doit, conformément à la Loi de 1997 sur les redevances d’aménagement de tenir au moins une réunion publique pour allouer au public l’opportunité de revoir et de fournir leurs commentaires sur l’étude des redevances d’aménagement 2014 ainsi que le règlement proposé.

Take notice that on Thursday January 8 th , 2015 , the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland will hold an Official public meeting pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997 , regarding proposed development charge rates and policies to be applied throughout the City. It is proposed that enactment of a development charges by-law by Council be considered at the Regular Council meeting on January 26, 2015. Development Charges are levied against new development and are a primary source of funding for growth-related capital expenditures. The 2014 Development Charges Background Study relates to the provision of the municipal services of library, day care, parks and recreation, public works, transit, by-law services, general government, fire, roads, waterworks and sewage treatment.

Council is required, under the Development Charges Act, 1997 , to hold at least one public meeting to allow the public the opportunity to review and provide comments on the 2014 City of Clarence-Rockland Development Charges Study and the proposed Development Charges By-law.

All interested parties are invited to attend the official public meeting on:

Toutes les parties intéressées sont invitées à assister à cette réunion publique officielle le :

Date and Time : Thursday, January 8th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Date et heure : Jeudi 8 janvier 2015 à 19h

Location : Clarence Creek Community Centre, 418 Lemay Street in Clarence-Creek, Ontario

Endroit : Salle communautaire de Clarence Creek, 418, rue Lemay à Clarence-Creek Ontario

The amended 2014 Development Charges Background Study and the proposed Development Charges By-law will be available as of Monday, December 22, 2014 on the City website at Written submissions are invited and should be directed to Monique Ouellet, Clerk (mouellet@clarence-rockland. com). Written comments received prior to the meeting and submissions made at the public meeting will be considered by Council prior to the enactment of new development charges by-laws.

L’étude révisée des redevances d’aménagement 2014 ainsi que le règlement proposé seront disponibles à compter du lundi 22 décembre 2014 sur le site Web de la Cité au : Des soumissions écrites sont bienvenues et doivent être acheminées à Monique Ouellet, greffière (mouellet@ Les commentaires reçus par écrit avant la réunion et les soumissions faites à la réunion publique seront pris en considération par le conseil avant l’adoption du règlement des redevances d’aménagement.

Dated at the City of Clarence-Rockland this 17 th day of December, 2014.

Daté à la Cité de Clarence-Rockland le 17 décembre 2014

Monique Ouellet, Clerk City of Clarence-Rockland 1560 Laurier Street, Rockland ON K4K 1P7

Monique Ouellet, greffière Cité de Clarence-Rockland 1560, rue Laurier, Rockland ON K4K 1P7

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