April 26 – May 30, 2024

Local Elections Candidate: Ann Bambury

personal experiences and active involvement in her community. Her passion for politics and the decision to return to college as a mature student, where she qualified with an honours Bache - lor of Social Science degree, testify to her dedication. Ann’s belief in the need to build strong communities to overcome our challenges and ensure access to increased funding and adequate services is not just a belief but a well-founded strategy. Many young people, including those with disabilities, need a safe and supportive space where they can socialise and express themselves. Ann has highlighted a prevalent issue families face in our community, where action must be taken. Investment is needed in family resources, community projects, and the multinationals and not small businesses which are the life- blood of rural communities. Our youth are leaving our country to build a better life elsewhere due to the housing and cost of living crisis here. The current trajectory of our country would be inclined to make one despair, but I believe we can change course with the right people representing the citizens at local level, in the Dáil and in Europe. Tourism is a vital industry. This is now under threat due to a chronic lack of accommo- dation. We need to incentivise the construction and provision of suitable hotels, hostels and guesthouses to meet this demand and ensure that there are sufficient tourist beds by encouraging current providers to stay in the business. Our Health service has been

in sports. Housing is about more than bricks and mortar. We need to tackle dereliction and vacancy and provide affordable homes. Ann will push for proper en- forcement of the vacant property tax and a review of district plan- ning. She will also work towards delivering more assisted/inde- pendent living facilities in the community. Older members in the community could then tran- sition to purpose-built accom- modations and free up homes for families and individuals. “People want to age in the villages and towns they grew up in and are attached to,” she says. Childcare is far too expensive, and she believes that funding communi- ty-based childcare appropriately and providing universal access to healthcare with diagnostics available in our community is imperative. allowed to crumble despite us being one of the wealthiest countries in the world with bil- lions in tax revenue from large multi-nationals. Bantry Hospital with its outstanding staff should be used as a centre of Excel- lence to serve the people of West Cork and South Kerry. I was part of a tractor convoy in 2009 from Bantry to the Dáil to prevent this great hospital from being downgraded. Farming is obviously an issue which is near and dear to my heart and we have borne the brunt of the Green policies, which are jeopardising our very survival. Our Government wants us to cull our National herd by 25 per cent but yet they want to increase passen- ger capacity by 25 per cent at Dublin airport. What about the carbon footprint of this? I was

Recognising the importance of our business and farming members, Ann is firmly commit - ted to supporting their invaluable contribution to the economic vibrancy of our communities, stating, “We need to ensure a fair transition for farmers to meet our climate targets”. Ann’s message is clear: “Peo- ple are struggling. Our growing

is well-known. Her energy and drive are a testament to her dedication to delivering positive change in the Bandon Kinsale LEA. Her involvement in the successful development of the Bandon Play-Park is a testament to her commitment. The community and visitors to Bandon have all expressed their delight that such a wonderful public amenity is now available. The first impression of this unprecedented development is amazement at the scope and thoughtful, inclusive design. Ann

A nn Bambury is the Kinsale Local Electoral Area. A mother of four and wife to Tomás, a local business owner Social Democrats can- didate for the Bandon

in Kinsale, Ann is not just a candidate but a familiar face in the community. Having grown up in Newcestown and now residing in Bandon, Ann’s active involvement in her community

uses her project management experience to assist commu- nity groups in creating new amenities. Ann Bambury is not just a future politician and commu- nity advocate but a qualified and experienced one. Her understanding of the challeng- es many face comes from her communities need more than just planning; they need a sense of belonging.” Ann’s priority is to create welcoming, accessible, and open community spaces for all ages with improved health, housing, and rural transport that connect our communities. She believes that more power at a local council level is necessary so that individuals like herself, who understand the area best, can have a more significant say in its development. Local Elections Candidate: Helen O Sullivan Arts, especially for those lacking basic amenities and not engaging

Ann Bambury Social Democrats Local Election Candidate Bandon-Kinsale k Q annbambury_bandon_kinsale E Ann Bambury Bandon Kinsale

I ’m Humphrey Deegan. I ily garage and hotel business. In recent years, I’ve been involved in project management but still help out in the Imperial Hotel. Married to Margaret, we live at Lady’s Cross with our four children – Michael, John, James and Molly. I was honoured to serve on Clonakilty Town Council from 2009-2014. I’ve been an active campaigner on local issues such as flooding, sanitation, tourism, education, sport and small business. have lived in Clonakilty all my life, working in our fam- I’m seeking election because Clonakilty has been underrep- resented since the last General Election, where there has been no resident County Councillor living in the town. I believe we need someone I am a suckler cow farmer based just outside Bantry. I am running as an Inde- pendent candidate for Bantry electoral area, West Cork in the upcoming local elections in June. I am a Co-founder and Executive Director of a newly formed lobby group for rural Ireland called Rural Voice ( I cannot stand idly by and watch Rural Ireland being decimated by policies that do not make sense. It pains me to talk to our fishers about how their industry has been almost wiped out and our fishing rights handed over to other European countries. It’s heartbreaking to see small businesses closing their doors due to enormous costs of rates, vat, energy costs and so on. This government seems to care only for the big


recently in Brussels representing European farmers at a confer- ence delivering a speech on the importance of Food and Energy Security. If elected, I will be a strong Independent voice for Bantry local electoral area. A voice for common sense policies. I will fight to improve services and facilities for the people of West Cork. I will endeavour to meet you over the next number of weeks while out on my campaign trail. I would like to thank those who are supporting me through canvassing, putting up posters, word of mouth and my own team. I am asking you to please consider me for your number one vote on June 7 to get be- hind my campaign for common sense.

A strong independent voice for Bantry Local Electoral Area A voice for common

sense policies A voice for the people. HELEN O’SULLIVAN



Local Elections Candidate: Humphrey Deegan

T: 0872839703 E:

who is committed to the role of a County Councillor, dealing with the day-to-day issues of the residents and rate payers. What we do not need is to elect someone who isn’t committed to the role or will be seeking more ambitious positions in the near future. If you elect me, I will serve a full term as an indepen- dent and will seek a second term in 2029 – that is the commit- ment I believe is required. One of my priorities if elected is to reboot and regenerate our town centre, which has been neglected in recent years. I believe strongly that small busi- nesses should THRIVE not just survive. Clonakilty town centre has lost a number of business- es recently and if this trend is allowed to continue, I fear that other businesses will follow. Although a huge investment

was made in our streetscape, we need more resources on the ground for maintenance and more active management of our public realm. It’s nothing more than our visitors and rate payers deserve. We need to simplify processes to allow more residents living in our town centre. There are still too many empty buildings. I have identified a number of sites where the council can develop residential units. I’m a strong believer in the role sport can play in our society, particularly in the development of our youth. I’m committed to the continued funding of sporting facilities within the town and in particular I would like to see Clonakilty Soccer Club find a permanent home. Clonakilty is a tourist town

and I will strongly support any tourism initiatives. I believe small tourism and food busi- nesses have been hit hard re- cently with a perfect storm of in- creased business costs and I will campaign for those businesses. I fully support their campaign to reduce the VAT rate to nine per cent. I believe that enough isn’t being done to promote WEST CORK as a destination and I will use my position on Cork County Council to argue for better promotion. I believe I am the best person to represent you, your concerns and the greater Clonakilty area over the next five years. If you elect me to Cork County Coun- cil, I will continue campaigning for the sustainable development of West Cork and represent you to the best of my ability.

Humphrey DEEGAN 086 258 6080 E Humphrey Deegan Clon - @deehumph INDEPENDENT ✓ STRONG


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