April 26 – May 30, 2024


Concert in Castletownshend

S t. Barrahane’s Church MusiCórum conducted by Geoffrey Spratt with Colin McLean playing guitar at St. Barrahane’s Church, Castle- townshend, on Saturday, May 25 at 5pm. This chamber choir Festival of Music, now in its’ 42nd year, welcomes

combines experience with enterprise, engagement and excitement! Geoffrey Spratt has earned a reputation as one of the finest choral conductors living and working in Ireland, as over the last 43 years, he has worked with the UCC Choir, UCC Cho- ral Society, Irish Youth Choir,

Madrigal ’75, Galway Baroque Singers, Canticum Novum, and the Fleichmann Choir. The 33 members of this mixed-voice choir, formed in 2019, are delighted that he is their musical director. Colin McLean first studied classical guitar at the age of

eighteen with his first teacher, Jerry Creedon, This led to his entrance into the Degree course in Cork School of Music later that year where he excelled in the art of performance. He is now one of Ireland’s leading classical guitarists and has been performing throughout the

country for the past 15 years. The delightful programme will include a selection of music by Vivancos, Tárrega, Albeniz and Solés for choir and solo guitar.

Tickets: €20. on-line from Eventbrite; Thornhill Electri- cal, Skibbereen; text/call 086 2264797; at the door on the eve- ning;

Ballydehob Jazz Festival returns May bank holiday weekend

B allydehob Jazz Festival is a community and volunteer run music and art festival, which takes place May Bank holiday weekend, May 3-6, in Ballydehob village, attracting musicians from all over the world and thousands of visitors. The 2024 Festival has rolled out another outstanding programme featuring musicians, spoken word artists, street performers, and dancers, from across the globe. The village will host free live music featuring over 30 performances from Irish and International acts – The Bonk, Donal Dineen, The Lava Birds, Tacla, Becca Ruane, Boola- boom. There will Jazz, New Orleans Punk and Funk, Piano prodigies, Swing, Beats and more. In the Main Festival Hall (The Community Hall) the festival will host a concert with New Orleans Jazz Punk Pianist Stephanie Nilles and on the Sat- urday, The Canibal Dandies, Djs and Dancers take over for the Bootleggers Ball. Professional Dancers from Argentina and Ireland will run swing works shops throughout the weekend

and will lead the audiences at The Bootleggers Ball. Making its debut this year is ‘Pirate Taxi’, an Outdoor Circus Show suitable for all ages. This extraordinary aerial show consists of original live music, humour, and a mechanically ingenious set built on an old school London Taxi, all taking place in the Ballydehob Play- ground on Saturday and Sunday (free entry). Other family friendly events include the Sunday Jazz Fes- tival Food and Craft Market, complete with children’s circus school (free) out front, and pop-up day time live music and poetry gigs. The village’s vibrant commu- nity pulls together to channel Ballydehob’s energy though the legendary New Orleans-style Sunday funeral parade, which is themed the ‘Carnival Of Creatures’ and led by Modh Coinníollach (the Good Mood) muppet, a physical manifes- tation of the village’s sunny predisposition. For full programme infor- mation, and to book tickets for headline shows, visit

Eve Clague releases ‘Red Skies’

B eautiful stills from the production of a virtual reality film about Seán Keating’s famous painting Men of the South have been released. Actors depicting the real-life members of the North Cork Bri- gade who appeared in Keating’s painting shot on location out- side Skibbereen for ‘Sit Stand Smoke’, a virtual reality art experience by Linda Curtin and David Keating which is screen- ing in Crawford Art Gallery, Cork from Friday April 26. The members of the North Cork Brigade who appeared in Keating’s painting were from North Cork and South Limer- ick; they were Jim Riordan, De- W ell known West Cork musician Eve Clague returns to the music scene this year with a new song being released this month. ‘Red Skies’ will be her third single and is available on all music platforms from May 9, 2024. Written and recorded five years ago, the song was put on hold due to the pandemic. Red Skies is about starting a new relationship without al- lowing oneself to fully embrace it. Struggling with trust issues while trying to open up, it’s about the difficulty of breaking through emotions of doubt and acceptance. This song is accompanied by a video which features characters created by hand, using still life with the illusion of stop motion. The Eve Clague Band, comprised of well known Cork musicians, have been develop-

ing their sound, and later this year, the public will have the opportunity to savour Eve’s De- but album ‘Caught in Words’. The album features guest musicians from Ireland adding a flair of their own with orchestral instruments, drones and spacey vibrations. These combined with Eve’s own acoustic style of guitar picking and soulful, sometimes melancholic voice, provides a deliciously tasty variety of sounds. Back gigging with the full band, keep an eye out for dates and venues on all Eve’s social media platforms and on her website The night before her single release, Eve will be support- ing Luka Bloom at Cleary’s Window Sessions, Cleary’s Bar, Goats Street, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. Tickets available through

Actors bring ‘Men of the South’ to life on location in West Cork

nis O’Mullane, Jim Cashman, John Jones, Roger Kiely, and Dan Browne. ‘Sit Stand Smoke’ explores the motivation and circumstanc- es behind the creation of one of Keating’s best known works: ‘Men of the South’ (1921-22). Viewers can don a VR head- set in the gallery and immerse themselves in unique insights into the worlds of Seán Keating and ‘Men of the South’. ‘Sit Stand Smoke’ takes us into the unexpected world of Dr. Éimear O’Connor, art historian, Seán Keating’s biographer, and in this narrative, a newly initiated Virtual Reality director casting actors for her first VR

project. Although full of challeng- es, virtual reality does afford Éimear the opportunity to have a conversation with the artist himself, played by his great-grandson, Jonathan Quinlan. CURTIN // KEATING (co-artists Linda Curtin and David Keating - the latter being the grandson of the painter) co-created Sit Stand Smoke as part of Crawford Art Gallery’s Building as Witness series of Decade of Centenaries commis- sions. At Crawford Art Gallery from 26 April – 5 May 2024.

On set in Skibbereen filming ‘Sit Stand Smoke’ and bringing Seán Keating’s Men of the South to life: L-R, Adam Duggan, Al Draper, Danny Horgan. Pic: Tadhg Richardson

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