April 26 – May 30, 2024 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Artists unveil collaborative exhibition ‘Brightside’ at Cnoc Bui Arts Centre

K insale based artists Claire ‘CiCi’ O’Shea and Angela Wilson will hold a collaborative exhibition ‘Brightside’ at Cnoc Bui art centre in Union Hall in May. The exhibition opens on May 9 at 6pm and will run until May 26, with opening hours from 11am to 5pm, Wednesday through Sunday. The exhibition will show- case a stunning collection of mixed media artworks, batiks

and sculptures that celebrate our coastal location. Visitors can expect a diverse range of works that explore themes of nature, identity, and the human experience. In addition to viewing the artworks, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in mixed media, cyanotype and collage workshops led by the artists on Sunday mornings during the exhibition run. You can also enjoy exclusive guided

tours of the exhibition led by the artists on Wednesdays, May 15 and 22. These interactive experiences will provide a deeper insight into the creative process behind the works on display. Booking is essential for the workshops and tours; you can book on the artist’s websites or QR code link. The artists are delighted to share the colours and thoughts that display their bright sides with you.

Art enthusiasts, collectors, and the general public are invited to join for the opening night on Thursday, May 9 and throughout the exhibition, which runs until May 26. For more information on the exhibition, including workshop schedules and artist tour dates, please visit the artists websites: and www.

SWERVE gallery reopens with site-specific sculptural installation

Drimoleague Community Choir members to raise their voices in leading Bealtaine’s Dawn Chorus

S WERVE gallery in Skib- bereen is proud to present a unique site-specific sculptural instal - lation ‘Reclaimed Baggage’ by artist Rosita Kingston. In Rosita’s own words: “One day I opened the white suitcase and looked through the cards. I saw what I hadn’t been able to see before. The cards showed me, in glowing technicolour,

the truth of the basis of that rela- tionship. Sex.” Due to the nature of the sub- ject matter this exhibition is not suitable for persons under 18. SWERVE: Gallery and Proj- ect Space is located at 8 Cork Road, Skibbereen, P81 YX40. Meet the artist on May 4, 1-5 pm. Gallery also open: Thurs-Sat, 1-11 May, 1-5pm.


D rimoleague Community Choir have been chosen as this year’s Bealtaine Festival Flagship Dawn Chorus Choir and will open this year’s festival at an event in Dri- moleague on Sunday May 5, at 7.30am. The Dawn Chorus is nation- wide choral event in which older people come together with a choir in their locality and sing at dawn to welcome the day and the season. This Age and Opportunity Bealtaine Fes- tival event works in partnership with Sing Ireland. The festival theme for this year is ‘Lust for Life’. Drimoleague Community Choir was founded in 2018 as an initiative of the Drimoleague Singing Festival. The choir is open to all and encourages par- ticipation in singing, friendship and fun with no previous ex- perience necessary. They meet weekly to sing a wide repertoire of pop, folk, spirituals, classical and Irish traditional songs. The sharing of the joy of song is at

Drimoleague Community Choir Pic: Anna Groniecka

pottery studio

the core of all they do. The choir aims provide a year round means of nurturing the town’s singing culture and is seen by its members as an important social outlet, as well as being an interesting and creative collaborative activity. Drimoleague Community Choir has performed in a number of concerts in its home village, raised money for charity sing- ing Christmas carols, performed as a pop-up choir during the Drimoleague Singing Festi- val and performed with Jack O’Rourke (2019), Jessie Lloyd (2023) and Jack L (2023). They most recently performed at ‘Singing for our Sisters’ in Kilgarriffe Church, Clonakilty in April 2024. “We’re delighted to be host- ing this year’s Flagship Dawn Chorus. The benefits of singing are well documented and we get to experience those together as a choir on a weekly basis. Drimoleague is the perfect stage for the Dawn Chorus giv- en its long and strong history of

singing in the community. The sharing of a song is an art much appreciated in this town so I’ve no doubt that we’ll be joined by great voices on the day. All are welcome so be sure to come along,” says choir director Susan McManamon. Established in 1995, Age and Opportunity’s Bealtaine Festival is one of Ireland’s largest co-operative festivals and the world’s first national celebration of creativity in older age. The Festival has inspired a number of international festivals including Luminate in Scotland, Gwanwyn in Wales, the Age of Creativity in England, and others across the world. The Dawn Chorus event in Drimoleague is free and all are welcome to attend and join in. It will take place at the Old Sta- tion Car Park in Drimoleague (opp. the Drimoleague Inn). #Bealtaine

• Paint Your Own Pottery, from only €10 per piece. • Book a lesson on the pottery wheel. • Children’s Summer Camps.

8 Market St, Skibbereen, P81 W867 Tel: 028 22913


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