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Tom Arnold leads Citizens’ Alliance to victory in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge


poll results for Grenville-sur-la-Rouge were not available until close to 3 a.m. Monday morning. After a brief celebration, Arnold snatched a bit of sleep and was up again at 5 a.m. to first look after the needs of his own construction business and then head over to the municipal office to begin work getting familiar with his new mayoral res- ponsibilities. «I only got an hour’s sleep so far,» Ar- nold joked, adding that he also fielded both congratulations and questions fromconsti- tuents during his first day as mayor-elect. Most questions focused on how soon the

It has been a long and tiring weekend for Tom Arnold, but a very satisfying one in the end. He is now themayor-elect of Gren- ville-sur-la-Rouge, leading a new council for the town after a resounding victory for the Citizens’ Alliance party in the Nov. 5 municipal election. “Very good, very happy,” said Arnold during a Monday evening interview. “Our whole team is very happy.” Arnold admitted being very tired. Final


ÀGrenville-sur-la-Rouge, c’est TomArnold qui a décroché le poste demaire avec 66,93% des voix, devant Michel Brosseau crédité de 21, 73% des suffrages et Shelley Victoria Silcock, 11,34%. M. Arnold faisait partie de l’Alliance des citoyens de Grenville-sur-la- Rouge. L’ensemble des candidats aux postes de conseillers de l’Alliance des citoyens de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge ont également été élus. Ron Moran (à gauche, à l’arrière), Serge Bourbonnais, Denis Filion, Marc A. Le Gris, Manon Jutras (à gauche, devant), Tom Arnold, maire élu, et Natalia Czarnecka . —photo d’archives

Un nouveau conseil- ler à Grenville La table du conseil municipal du Village de Grenville comptera un nouveau membre. En effet, Peter Dopelhamer a défait la conseil- lère sortante Jocelyne Louis-Seize au poste de conseiller numéro 4 avec 52,21 %. Quant au conseiller Louis-André Desjardins, le seul autre conseiller à avoir de l’opposition, il a été réélu à son poste de conseiller numéro 3.Tous les autres conseillers ainsi que le maire Luc Grondin ont été réélus sans opposition. Outre le maire, MM. Dopelhamer et M. Desjardins, la table munici- pale sera occupée par André Lemay, conseiller numéro un,André Woodbury, conseiller numéro deux, Roger Lalonde, conseiller numéro cinq ainsi que Pierre Thauvette, conseiller numéro six. —Caroline Prévost «We’re going to work hard on that,» said Le Gris. One other promise the new council will deal with during the 2018 budget discussions is rolling back the current stipend/salary situation for the mayor and councillors to the 2013 rates. «That’s going to happen right away,» Arnold said. The rollback will mean the current mayor’s salary of about $26,000 will drop to between $12,000 and $13,000.The annual stipend for councillors of about $9000 will drop to about $6000 each.

Citizens’ Alliance council expects to start making good on campaign promises. Arnold already knows what the priorities for the town’s new council will be until the end of this year. He and his councillors need to familiarize themselves with the infrastruc- ture needs for themunicipality and also start working with town staff on the 2018 budget. «We have a very good idea of what’s going on,» said Arnold, adding that residents can expect the new council to make good right away on one promise. «No raising the taxes,» he said. «and we’re also going to prioritize the roads (work sche- dule).» Arnold noted that Grenville-sur-la-Rouge lacks a definite priority plan for road impro- vements and new construction. He wants a fixed schedule to guide future capital works planning for roads, rather than the random planning that has been normal in the past. Arnold foresees the biggest challenges during the new council’s first 100 days re- volve around changing how the town has operated, both with municipal planning and also dealing with citizen complaints and concerns. He affirmed a promise for more transparency in dealings with residents, including support for bilingualism during council sessions and in town documents and services. Both he and Councillor-elect Marc Le Gris agreed that residents need to know they can bring up concerns or issues to council and be heard and respected.

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