Professional October 2019

Payroll and HR legislation update 50% DISCOUNT FOR CIPP MEMBERS Payroll legislation is constantly changing, and this essential update course covers the latest legislation, case law and all the proposed future changes, with the course material constantly updated to reflect the changes to payroll and HR in the UK.

Career development insight

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential to all payroll, pensions and reward professionals to ensure they are keeping up to date with the continuous changes in the industry. Logging your CPDwith the CIPP has never been easier.

Follow the three simple steps below to track all your learning and development

other objectives you would like to set.

Step 3 – Log your activity Now you have set your objectives, go to ‘Add/Edit CPD’ from the sidebar. To make logging your CPD easier, we have created a set of CPD activity types which sit within six overall categories; writing, reading, speaking, listening, doing, and structured learning. For more information on these, view our CPD frequently asked questions on our website. To log your activity, start by selecting a category for your CPD. For example, if you have attended a CIPP training course, then select ‘Structured learning’ from the drop- down menu. This will filter the activity types where, from the second drop-down menu, you can select the appropriate option. Further down the page you can then confirm more details, add a date in which you completed it, provide evidence of CPD (e.g. a certificate of attendance), and go into specifics of what you learned. Once you have filled out all the appropriate information, click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the page and your activity will be logged, along with your CPD points total for your subscription year, which would have been updated. You have now successfully logged your CPD activity! Keep this updated and keep earning CPD points. o

Step one – Login to your My CIPP account Head over to and click ‘Login to My CIPP’ on the main menu at the top of the page. You can log in using either your membership number or your registered email. Log into your account, click ‘My CIPP’ and then head over to ‘My CPD’ to add a learning objective. Step two – Identify your learning objectives It is recommended that you set your objectives for the year following an appraisal or annual review. This will help you get the most from the learning as you can tailor your activities based on your and your organisation’s objectives. Your learning objectives can be long-term or short-term; but they should be reviewed regularly and marked as complete once done. To add a new objective, click ‘My CPD learning objectives’ and then ‘Add a new record’. Here, you can add a title in the field provided. This is a new objective and therefore you should leave ‘Has this objective been achieved?’ as ‘No’. Repeat this for any

Updated every seven days


For more information: Visit: Email Call: 0121 712 1000 Live chat with us @CIPP_UK


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 54 | October 2019

*correct at time of publication

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