whims and fancies in 'order for gain or popularity (cf. 1 Timothy vi. S), Instead o f depending on the Holy Spirit o f God and speaking as in His presence (ii. 1). To adulterate the Word, o f God is to deal with the Bible as tavern keepers o f old did with their wine when they adulter ated it in order to make gain out o f it (cf.
2 Peter iii. 2). Never will Paul stoop to such conduct. The eye o f God is upon him, and he cannot but be sincere under this consciousness. The apostle’s life and being were in Christ (Galatians ii. 20; cf. Psalm lxxxvii. 7). Hence his message was from the Christ. - ,
L I GH T ON PUZZLING PA SSAG E S a n d PROBLEM S By R. A. TORREY [5]iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...inni..ululili......iiinimi............................ ........ ...........................immili..min..[n]
Is the baptism with the Holy Ghost and New Testament sanctification the same experience? No. They are constantly confused but they are entirely different. The baptism with the Holy Spirit has to do primarily with equipment for service. Our Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon y ou : and ye shall be my witnesses, both in Judea, and Samaria, and unto the utter most part o f the earth.” W e find the most detailed description o f what the baptism with the Holy Spirit is, qnd its results, in First Corinthians and the twelfth chapter, where we are taught that by the baptism with the Holy Spirit believers become mem bers o f the body o f Christ as a real work ing body, and that the baptism with the Spirit results in a diversity o f gifts, accord ing to the different lines o f service to which one is called, and that it is the Holy Spirit who decides what gift He will impart upon each individual according to the different lines o f service for which He selected them (1 Cor. 12:11, 12). The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not man ifested so much in holiness o f life as in effectiveness in service. O f course, John told his disciples that the One who was coming after him would baptize, not merely in water as he had, but “in the Holy Spirit
and fire,” - and a study o f this passage in comparison with other passages shows that the thought o f fire is the thought o f cleans ing and consuming as well as the thought o f the making one to glow, and filling one with power. So the baptism with the Holy Spirit is accompanied usually with a moral cleansing, but that is not its primary pu r-' pose. The primary purpose o f the baptism with the Holy Spirit is equipment for ser vice (e. g., Luke 24:49). There is not a single passage in which the baptism with the Spirit is spoken o f in either the. Old Testament or New Testament in which it is not connected with testimony or service. )If the baptism with the Holy Spirit and New Testament sanctification are not the same, what is sanctification? The way to determine what any word means is to take the concordance and go through the Bible and look up every pass age in which the word is found. Any one who will do this with the words “sanctify” and “sanctification” will discover that in the New Testament and Old Testament sancti fication means first o f all a separating, or setting apart for God, i. e., that sanctifica tion is the process o f setting apart, or state o f being set apart for God. Sanctification, however, in Bible usage means furthermore the process o f separating, or state o f being separated from ceremonial or moral defile-
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