OBTS: Looking For A Fitness Vacation?

Now, this is real magic!

Dear Friend, You may have been led to believe that you can find real health in a medicine bottle or simply by giving the nice pharmacist your prescription… But unfortunately this just isn’t true! Real health comes from the inside! It’s about what you do for yourself in the way of eating well, getting enough rest, taking a little exercise, drinking a bit more water… all simple steps which are easy to do. Just like regular physical therapy treatments… Having your spine, your joints, muscles and nervous system working at their best is essential for good health, longevity and vitality – after all there is no point reaching a ripe old age if you’re not fit enough to enjoy it! “If I’d known I was gonna live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself!” Instead of reaching retirement when they should be enjoying themselves and doing the things they want to such as gardening, playing golf or playing with the grandchildren – we find a lot of our previous patients return to us in pain. They are aching with every movement having desperately tried to mask their symptoms with more and more tablets! Don’t let that be you… there is no magic bullet… Don’t think the anti-inflammatories, the pain-killers, the muscle relaxants will actually fix your problem… that’s just an illusion… it’s medical trickery!

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