
8C — July 14 - 27, 2017 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


P ennsylvania

u h l e n b e r g Township, PA — Steve Willems and Klusman joins commercial/industrial real estate sales team Willems & Cole of NAI Keystone complete a 75,000 SF Industrial Lease in Muhlenberg M

Bryan Cole of NAI Keystone Commercial & Industrial complete a 75,000 s/f indus- trial lease at the StonePointe Center in Muhlenberg Town- ship. StonePointe is a flex facility consisting of 277,000 s/f of office space and over 800,000 s/f of industrial space. Cole assisted UGI in relocat- ing its operations to a 11,000 s/f flex building along Front Street in Whitehall Township. Cole worked alongside UGI to find a suitable location for

Steve Willems

Bryan Cole

Andrew Klusman

their operations. UGI UTILITIES INC. cur- rently has a 12,000 s/f office sublease opportunity along Medical Center Circle in Al- lentown PA.

Andrew Klusman has joined NAI Keystone’s com- mercial/industrial real estate sales team. Andrewwill engage in all areas of brokerage in the Berks County market includ-


ing leasing, sales, and advisory services. Additionally, Andrew will be helping with the prop- erty management division.

Klusman’s previous experi- ence is in site acquisitions and selection. Before joining NAI Keystone, Klusman worked in net asset properties site selec- tion as well as an inventory manager for Wawa remodel- ing and facilitating new store openings. n Jessica Gasper of Campbell inks Lemoyne lease Lemoyne, PA — Lice Lifters of Central PA, LLC has leased space at 717 Mar-

ket Street in Lemoyne, and anticipate a l a t e J u l y opening. J e s s i c a Ga s pe r o f C amp b e l l Commercial Real Estate,


Jessica Gasper

Inc. represented the ten- ant and Tom Posavec from Landmark Commercial Re- alty represented the landlord in the transaction. n Colliers Int’l. reps Station Park in Hatboro lease Hatboro, PA — Col- liers International in Phil- adelphia announced a new café operator at Station Park located at 330 S Warmin- ster Rd. in Hatboro. Richard Himes of Plenti Grand brings an array of gourmet sand- wiches, signature salads, and desserts. The café upgrade follows a new fitness center and tenant lounge, part of an overall plan to revitalize this transit-oriented business park. Additional renovations include a rebrand of wayfind- ing and building signage, expected to be complete this fall. Matthew Shanahan and Ina Sargen of Colliers International represent Sta- tion Park. n

Commercial • Multifamily • Retail • Industrial 267–314–8635 www.rhappraisals.com PA-NJ-DE

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