October is National Physical Therapy Month! October is National Physical Therapy Month! October is National Physical Therapy Month!
furniture or lifting items off the ground. Your therapist can also help you practice proper posture, as preventative to many different types of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more severe the pain is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the earlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chronic back pain, and that number is even higher for those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only masks the pain without addressing the issue—meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achieve the best results possible. furniture or lift ng items off the ground. Your therapist can also help you practi e proper posture, as prev ntative to many differ nt types of injuries. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as im ediately foll wing the dev lopment of your pain as possible. Muscle aches and joint pain tend to grow worse over time. The longer you let your pain go untreated, the more sev r the pain is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy can have a huge impact on alleviating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the arlier you start, the better off you will be. 3. Physical therapy is the best trategy to vercome chronic pain and is helpful at ll ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chronic back pain, and that number is ev n higher for those who are over 65. Turni g to pain medication only mask the pain without addressing the issue—meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist will tailor therapy methods to your needs, helping you achiev the best results possible. f niture or l fting items off the ground. Your therapist c n also help you pra tice p oper posture, as pr ventative to many different types of injuries. 2. Th best thing that you can do is seek treatment as i mediately f llowing the d velopment of your pain a possible. Muscle aches and joint pai tend to gro wors over time. The longer you let your pain go untrea ed, the more s v re the pa n is likely to become and more difficult to heal. Physical therapy c n have a huge impact on allev ating pain from muscle and joint aches, but the arlier you s ar , the better ff you will be. 3. Physical therapy is th be strategy to overcome chron c pai and is helpful t all ages. About 30% of adults over 18 struggle with chroni back pain, and that number is ven higher f r those who are over 65. Turning to pain medication only ma ks the pain wi hout addressing the issu —meaning the pain always comes back. Your physical therapist w l tailor therapy methods t your needs, helping you achi ve the be t result possible.
That’s right, an entire month dedicated to educating people about the benefits of Physical Therapy—and it couldn’t come at a better time. Winter is one of the most trying times of the year for people struggling with chronic pain. Add the risk of falling due to icy conditions and the cold weather that aggravates even the mildest arthritis issue and you’ll find a huge increase of those who would benefit from pain management and support. Take this month to learn some of the most important things you need to know about the benefits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. Your physical therapist can provide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you understand proper lifting mechanics and their importance in everyday life, such as moving heavy That’s right, an entire month de icated to educating people about the ben fits of Physical Therapy—and it couldn’t come at a better time. Winter is one of the most trying times of the year for people struggling with chronic pain. Add the risk of falling due to icy conditions and the cold weather that aggrav tes ev n the mildest arthritis issue and you’ll find a huge increase of those who would benefit from pain man gement and support. Take this month to learn some of the most important hings you need to know about the benefits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy is most ben ficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and ev n as a means to prev nt future injury. Your physical therapist can provide you an exercise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, flexible, and moving properly. Exercising regularly can help you nderstand proper lift ng mechanics and their importance in ev ryday life, such as moving heavy That’s right, an ntire month edicated to educating p ople about the b nefits of Physical Therapy—and it couldn’t come at a be ter time. Winter is one of the most trying times of the year for p ople struggling wit chronic pain. Add the risk of falling due to icy conditio s and the cold w ather that ggr vates ven the mildest arthritis issue and you’ll find a huge increase f those who would b nefit from pain m nagement and support. Take this month to learn some of the most importan things you need to know about the b nefits and perks of physical therapy: 1. Physical therapy i most b neficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and ven as a means to pr vent f ture injury. Your physical therapist can provide you an x rcise regimen to help strengthen your body and keep joints healthy, fl xible, and moving p operly. Exercisin regu arly can help you understand p oper l fting mechanics and their importance in veryday life, such as moving heav
“Great place to go before considering anything invasive. I thought I would need some type of surgery or injections but I ended up feeling great just with a new stretching and strengthening plan. Plus the extra adjustments, heat and electric impulse stimulation helped right away.” - J. T. “I thought I would need surgery... I ended up feeling great just with a new stretching and strengthening plan.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “Great place to go before considering anything invasive. I thought I would need some type of surgery or injections but I ende up feeling reat just with a new stretching and strengtheni g plan. Plus the xtra djustments, heat and el ctric mpulse stimulation helped right away.” - J. T “I thought I would need surgery.. I ended up fe ling reat just with a new stretching and strengtheni g plan.” PATIENT SUC ESS SPOTLIGHT “Gre t place to go b fore cons deri g anythi g in asive. I thought I would need some type of surgery or injections but I en ed up feeling grea just with a new stretchi g and strengthe ing plan. Plus th extr adjustments, heat and electr c impulse stimulation helped right away.” - J T. “I thought I would n ed su gery .. I nded up feelin great just with a new stretching and strengthe ing plan.” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT
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