E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


Recommendation 10: Bury overhead utilities to improve aesthetics and resiliency. Overhead utilities are prevalent throughout the E. 131 st Avenue corridor. These utilities limit the tree canopy and generally impact the aesthetic quality of the corridor. Although burying the overhead utilities is expensive, this will also make the E. 131 st Avenue corridor more attractive for redevelopment, more aesthetically pleasing to existing residents, and most resilient following major storms and hurricanes. Recommendation 11: Establish a Pedestrian Accelerator between the University of South Florida, the V.A. Hospital and the University Mall site along E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street at a future time. One element that contributes greatly to the compact urban environment along the E. 131 st Avenue corridor is the prevalence of transit, especially on the eastern end of the corridor. With the growth of the University of South Florida, redevelopment of the University Mall site, possible future growth at the V.A. Hospital and proposed T-5 zoning along E. 131 st Avenue, these areas may need to be connected with higher frequency, more convenient transportation options. The provision of a low-floor, high-frequency shuttle or a modern streetcar may be a good tool to handle future passenger volumes and spur further redevelopment in the Form-Based Code areas. This project would be especially needed if the Florida Department of Transportation Study currently underway to select a site for a transit center in the University area were to select a site away from E. 131 st Avenue, causing some or all of the transit resources currently available to area

residents to move away from the area. While this recommendation is not appropriate now, this is intended to be a recommendation for the future, after redevelopment has increased.


Power lines along the western portion of E. 131 st Avenue


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