E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


C. Robbins Section Recommendations Recommendation 1A: Change the zoning for the Robbins property parcels on the western end of the E. 131 st Avenue corridor to Form-Based Code T-4 and T-5 zones at a future time. Industrial and commercial properties comprise most of the western end of the E. 131 st Avenue corridor, many of which are associated with Robbins Real Estate Inc and are represented by the light purple color in Figure 3-6 . These sites are currently active sites with operating businesses contributing to the employment and tax base. Although these properties have high redevelopment potential andwould represent an important node of development on the E. 131 st Avenue corridor, based on the market analysis referenced in the existing conditions section and their current active use, changing the existing or future land use is not recommended at this time. The University Area Market Analysis concluded that demand for additional commercial and office development in the University area is limited, and thus a site at the size and location of the Robbins site is most likely not currently mature for redevelopment. 1 At such a time as the industrial and commercial uses in this section of the corridor are no longer the highest and best uses of the land, the zoning can be changed from commercial and industrial to a Form-Based Code. The urban transects T-5 along the corridor and T-4 away from the corridor would create a center of activity on the western 1 Hillsborough County Economic Development Department, “HillsboroughCounty, FloridaRedevelopment Incentives for Pilot Project Areas,”

end of the corridor, complementing proposed development between N. 22 nd Street and the V.A. Hospital. Recommendation 2A: Change the future land use designation for the Robbins properties on the western end of the corridor at a future time. Most properties in the Robbins Section have a future land use designation of Community Mixed Use-12 (CMU-12). While this designation does allow for the mixing of uses, it does not direct development into the creation of T-4 or T-5 urban forms. Typical uses in a CMU-12 zone are very broad, including office uses, research and corporate parks, light industrial and agricultural uses. In addition, the current maximum density of 12 dwelling units per acre is lower density than existing development in surrounding areas, as well as T-4 or T-5 forms.



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