E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

The USF Research and Development Park Master Plan Update was published on May 2009 and updates the master plan first developed in 2003 with newly acquired property on the south side of Fowler Avenue. The document outlined the constraints of the original DRI agreement, compared the USF development to other research parks around the country, and studied the configuration of buildings, parking, and stormwater facilities around the campus. While the site is to the south and east of the 131st corridor, the plan does give background information as to the development direction of the surrounding area. The University Area Intermodal Center Study is an ongoing study to identify a preferred site for an intermodal center in the University Area. The future transit study could serve many modes inclyding transit, bicycle, pedestrians, taxis, and other mobility services. Although this study is not yet complete, a relocation of the existing University Area Transit Center could impact transit access along the 131st Avenue Corridor. The University Area / Tampa Innovation District Community Safety Action Plan was published in December, 2016 and outlines a comprehensive series of recommendations that address real and perceived safety issues in the Innovation Place area. These recommendations fall into three types including programs and patrols, the built environment, and strategic communications. The USF Area Complete Streets Concept Plan is a pattern book published in June, 2015 that evaluated two corridors in the USF area for complete streets treatments including 131st Avenue between Nebraska Avenue and Bruce B Downs Boulevard. The study identified four major intersections along the 131st Avenue Corridor including Nebraska Avenue, 15th Street, 22nd Street, and Bruce B Downs Boulevard. The study also identified three major segments along 131st Avenue; a mixed industrial and residential segment from Nebraska Avenue to 15th Street, a primarily multi-family residential segment from 15th Street to near Livingston Avenue, and a segment dominated by the VA hospital along the east end of the corridor. The first segment is constrained, and since the potential for redevelopment is high, proposed improvements in this section of the corridor are limited, with bicycle lanes provided west of the railroad tracks, and shared lane markings west of the rail corridor. The central part of the corridor offers more opportunities for landscape improvements, some possible park spaces and bus stop improvements. Improvements to the east end of the corridor included the removal of a travel lane, which would need further analysis and conversation with stakeholders before continuing.

USF Research Park Master Plan Final Report

University Area Intermodal Center Study

University Area Community Safety Action Plan

USF Area Complete Streets Concept Plan

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