E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

The Hillsborough County Comprehensive Bicycle Plan Update was published in October, 2008 and was created to update the original plan from 1978 and a 2001 update. The update sought to take into consideration needs based on generators and attractors of bicycle trips, bicycling conditions both on and off the major roads, costs to implement projects, and federal and state requirements and preferences. In the existing conditions inventory, 131st Avenue is listed as having a bicycle lane or paved shoulder. The plan states and updates a number of goals including the roadway facilities program, off-road facilities program, safety and security improvement program, public awareness program, data, evaluation, and review, and funding and resources. The update also included a survey, which indicated USF Campus Area Connections as the third most desirable area for bicycle improvements. On the list of priority corridors, 15th Street between Fowler and Fletcher, and Nebraska Avenue from Fowler Avenue to Florida Avenue are listed as the number one and number three priority north/south bicycle corridors in unincorporated Hillsborough County for bicycle infrastructure. The Innovation Gateway Concept Plan was a two-phase plan prepared by the Hillsborough MPO in conjunction with Innovation Place and the City of Tampa to explore the feasibility of a gateway at the interchanges of I-275 at Busch Boulevard and I-275 at Fowler Avenue. These interchanges serve as entry points into the Innovation Place district, which includes the anchors members University of South Florida, Moffitt Cancer Center, Busch Gardens, RD Management, and Florida Hospital. Phase 1 of the study focused on developing preliminary design concepts for the themed gateway statements. The second phase of the project refined the design concepts and pursued a Community Aesthetic Features (CAF) Permit to create in the gateways. The Tampa Innovation District Master Plan Existing Conditions Report was published in July, 2016 to inventory the markets and investors, demographics, land use, and planning context of both the Innovation District Core, and Potential Planning Area. The 131st Avenue corridor is wholly within the Potential Planning Area, and partially within the Innovation District Core, starting at 15th Street on the west. The final part of the report includes the results of a SWOT analysis, recommendations and next steps. The Tampa Innovation District (TID) Transit Circulator Report was published in June of 2016, and developed potential short-term mobility solutions based on feedback from the Innovation District leadership, district stakeholders, and other partners. District mobility solutions identified in the plan include a district app that would show all mobility modes, allow for click-through transactions and information, offer integrated trip planning, and can be updated rapidly through API feed information. The second solution calls for an expanded Bull Runner circulator to offer more extensive transit service in the district. The third solution recommended a TID/USF to Downtown express bus to be operated by HART and overlay on existing service.

Hillsborough County Comprehensive Bicycle Plan Update

Innovation District Gateway

Tampa Innovation District Master Plan

Tampa Innovation District Transit Circulator

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