E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

The 2015-2025 USF System Campus Master Plan Updates for the Tampa campus updates the 1995-2005 original campus master plan prepared under current standards. The document lays out the plans from each of the 10 year documents: 1995-2005, 2000-2010, 2005-2015 and 2015-2025. The latest iteration of the plan includes a continued concentration of activity around the eastern edge of the 131st Avenue corridor as the center of the health function of the university. This segment of the campus also contains a denser concentration of pedestrian passages, indicating a greater presence of pedestrians. The Tampa !p Transit Circulator is a project currently underway that will provide reliable local transportation connections between the district’s major employment, medical, shopping, dining, and entertainment destination attractions. When implemented, the !p Circulator will supplement existing transit service provided by USF BullRunner and HART’s local buses. Althouhg service is expected to commence in 2019, the proposed Uptowner route includes portions along E. 131st Avenue and is included in the transit analysis of the PLAT document. The Hillsborough County Land Development Code was created by the Board of County Commissioners to establish the standards, regulations, and procedures for review and approval of all proposed development of property in unincorporated Hillsborough County, and to provide a development review process that will be comprehensive, consistent, and efficient in the implementation of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan. The code regulates the density, intensity and design standards of both standard and special zoning districts for all areas of unincorporated Hillsborough County. A Transit Development Plan (TDP) is a multi-year financial and operating plan for a transit agency. All transit agencies are required to prepare a five-year major TDP and an annual update in the form of a progress report each year. The HART Board adopted the last major TDP update on September 25, 2017 (also reviewed for this study). The TDP minor update provides a progress status report on implementing the key projects and initiatives that were included in the 2018-2027 Major TDP Update. In addition, the TDP is updated to reflect revised priorities for service and capital projects.

University of South Florida Master Plan

Tampa !p Transit Circulator “Uptowner”

Hillsborough County Land Development Code

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) Transit Development Plan Update FY 2019-FY 2028

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