E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

Except as otherwise provided by this Section, parking requirements for all uses shall be in accordance with the Parking Standards of Article VI. Landscaping requirements for off-street vehicular use areas shall be in accordance with the Landscaping and Buffering Requirements of this Code.

1. Required Off-Street Parking

a. Required parking provided through surface parking lots shall be on the development site or within 500 feet of the development site that the parking is required to serve. b. The minimum parking requirements in Article VI of this Code for non-residential uses is the maximum allowed Additionally, the non-residential parking requirements may be reduced by 50 percent c. On-Street Parking Credit. On-street parking spaces shall be deducted from the required number of off-street parking spaces for the adjacent use. When an extended parcel line splits an on-street parking space, that space shall be deducted from the parking requirements of the parcel that fronts the majority of the on-street parking space.

2. Off-street parking (surface parking lots).

a. In projects located on Main Streets with Main Street or Neighborhood Office zoning designations, off-street surface parking lots shall be located behind the front façade of Main Street frontage buildings. b. Except as provided below, in projects located only on Neighborhood Streets with a Neighborhood Office zoning designation, off-street surface parking lots shall be located behind the front façade of Neighborhood Street frontage buildings. c. Notwithstanding the above, surface parking lots may be located adjacent to a Neighborhood Street in projects with frontage along Main Streets and Neighborhood Streets. d. Surface parking lots may be located adjacent to one Neighborhood Street in projects with frontage along two Neighborhood Streets. However, no surface parking lot shall front a Neighborhood Street containing property on the opposite side of the street zoned for residential and residential support uses only. Additionally, on corner lots, surface parking may be located adjacent to two Neighborhood Streets. 3. Parking Garages. Except for vehicle entrances, the ground floor shall be developed with enclosed commercial, office or civic floor space to a minimum building depth of 30 feet along the entire length of the structure on each adjacent street, unless separated from the street by another building, parking lot and/or landscaped open space with a minimum depth of 30 feet.

D. Screening of trash and recycling receptacles, loading docks, service areas, and other similar areas.

1. Trash, recycling receptacles, loading docks, service areas, and other similar areas must be located in parking areas or in a location that is not visible from Main Street or Neighborhood Street frontages, and must be screened to minimize sound and visibility from residences and to preclude visibility from adjacent streets. Service areas shall be screened by a masonry wall and landscape buffer. The wall shall be a minimum of six feet in height using architectural design, materials and colors that are consistent with those of the primary structure. The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of five feet in width and contain evergreen plants a minimum of three feet in height spaced not more than four feet apart. 2. Mechanical equipment at ground level shall be placed on the parking lot side of the building away from view from adjacent Main Street and Neighborhood Street frontage and shall be screened from view of any street by fencing, vegetations, or by being incorporated into a building. 3. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be integrated into the overall mass of a building by screening it behind parapets or by recessing it into roof structure.

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