E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

4. Solid waste storage areas. A solid waste refuse facility shall be screened on 3 sides by a six- foot high masonry wall if it is located within the building setback area or located in areas visible to customers or from a public right-of-way. 5. Fences and Walls. Fences and walls shall be constructed of masonry, wood, vinyl or cast iron/metal. The location of all fences and walls shall be in accordance with Article VI of this Code. E. Building Orientation. A building's primary orientation shall be toward the street rather than the parking areas. The primary building entrances shall be visible and directly accessible from a public street. F. Public Entrance. Buildings that are open to the public shall have an entrance for pedestrians from the street to the building interior. This entrance shall be a distinctive and prominent element of the architectural design, and shall be open to the public during business hours. Buildings shall incorporate lighting and changes in mass, surface or finish to emphasize the entrance(s).

G. Utilities. All utility lines shall be located underground.

(Ord. No. 04-27, § 2, 6-10-04)

Sec. 3.13.04. - Standards for Non-Residential, Mixed Use and Multi-Family Development A. Building frontages shall occupy no less than 60 percent of a project's street frontage. Notwithstanding the above, projects with frontages along Main Streets and Neighborhood streets shall not have minimum building frontages along Neighborhood Streets. B. Front yard building setbacks along all street frontages shall be a minimum of ten feet to a maximum of 20 feet. Notwithstanding the above, the front yard setback for a detached single-family dwelling on Tax Folio 36478.0000 shall be a maximum of 50 feet. Rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten feet and side yard building setbacks shall be a minimum of five feet. Accessory structures shall be subject to the applicable requirements of Article VI.

C. Building height shall be a maximum of 50 feet

D. Building Design

1. Building Façade. Blank walls shall not occupy over 50 percent of a street-facing frontage and shall not exceed 20 linear feet without being interrupted by a window or entry. No more than 20 feet of horizontal distance of wall shall be provided without architectural relief for building walls and frontage walls facing the street. Buildings shall provide a foundation or base that extends from the ground to the bottom of the lower windowsills that is distinguished from the building face by a change in volume or material. A clear visual division shall be maintained between the ground level floor and upper floors, which may include changes in volume or materials or other architectural detailing such as a belt course or cornice. With the exception of detached single- family dwellings and buildings accessory to such dwellings, the top of any building shall contain a distinctive finish consisting of a cornice or other architectural termination. Ground floor retail uses that are located in non-residential or mixed use structures and that are located on a corner parcel and have two street frontages shall contain storefront display windows covering a minimum of 40 percent and a maximum 80 percent of a storefront's linear frontage. Blank walls shall not occupy over 50 percent of a street-facing frontage and shall not exceed 20 linear feet without being interrupted by a window or entry. 2. Transparency. All street-facing non-residential and mixed-use structures shall have windows covering a minimum of 40 percent and a maximum 80 percent of the ground floor of each storefront's linear frontage. Mirrored glass, obscured glass and glass block cannot be used in meeting this requirement. Display windows may be used to meet this requirement, but must be transparent and shall not be painted or obscured by opaque panels.

3. Shelter. Buildings shall incorporate arcades, alcoves, porticos or awnings.

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