E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

4. Garages. Street-facing ground floor parking, including individual unit garages, is not permitted on the first floor of a multi-family structure on a Main Street. Parking shall occur within parking garages or within surface lots that do not front on a Main Street. Individual unit garages attached to principal structures fronting Neighborhood Streets shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the street-facing façade and a minimum of 20 feet from the street right-of-way. (Ord. No. 04-27, § 2, 6-10-04; Ord. No. 05-10, § 2, 6-16-05, eff. 10-1-05)

Sec. 3.13.05. - Sign Standards A. Generally

All signs shall conform to the limitations and provisions of Article VII of this Code. Additionally, the following limitations and provisions shall apply to signage for all uses, excluding emergency public services/uses.

B. General Requirements

1. Signage within the University Community Area shall be constructed utilizing materials similar to those of the building(s) served. In additional to the materials used within the building, acceptable materials also include wood and painted metal. Plastic and similar synthetic materials are not permitted.

2. Signs shall contain colors similar to those of the buildings they serve.

3. All permanent detached signs shall be monument signs.

C. Detached on-site signs

1. General Standards

a. Letter height shall be a minimum of nine inches and a maximum of 24 inches.

2. Monument Signs

a. The maximum height shall be eight feet above the ground plane.

b. Signs shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the public right-of-way, 30 feet from the intersection of right-of-way lines and shall meet any additional setback required in Article VII of this Code. Additionally, sight distance and roadside clear zones must be in accordance with the criteria of the Hillsborough County Transportation Technical Manual.

D. Awning Signs

1. The width of the sign shall not exceed the width of the canopy, awning or marquee.

2. Signs shall not be permitted on awnings, canopies, balconies or other building elements that may be allowed to project over public rights-of-way by other provisions of this Part.

E. Miscellaneous signs

1. Window Signs

a. [ Reserved. ]

b. Permanent window sign displays shall be limited to no more than 20 percent of the window area. c. Casement windows are permitted to have seasonal signs that are changed out on a regular basis provided there is a changeable product display located within the casement window.

2. Projecting Signs

a. Signs shall be located above ground-floor level doors and windows but below the roofline or second-floor level to promote a pedestrian environment.

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